Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Carl Gustav Jung

ISBN-13: 9780415187480

cite: Jung, CG. (1998). Visions: Notes on the Seminar Given in 1930-1934. Routledge.

For Jung, the beautiful and brilliantly creative 28-year old Christiana Morgan was an inspired force whose path in self-analysis paralleled his own quest for personal knowledge. By teaching Morgan the trance-like technique of active imagination, Jung helped her embark on a series of archetypal adventures which she depicted in paintings of great virtuosity and he candidly recounted at a seminar given to some of his closest followers. Through his eloquent description of the fiery, mythic visions of a woman discovering her repressed sexuality and feminine power, Jung reveals how deeply this encounter challenged his understanding of feminine psychology.
These two volumes bring together for the first time colour reproductions of Morgan’s paintings with a complete transcript of the seminar.

Table of Contents

Volume 1,

Fall term from 15 October to 9 December 1930,

Winter term, 21 January to 25 March 1931,

Spring term 6 May to 24 June 1931,

Fall term 11 November to 16 December 1031,

Winter term 20 January 1932 to 16 March 1932.

Volume 2,

Spring Term from 4th June to 29 June 1032.

Fall term- from 2 November to 7 December 1933.

Winter Term from 18 January to March 1933,

Spring term, from 3 May to 21 June 1933.

Fall term 4 October 1933 to 13 December 1033,

Winter Term 24 Jan to 21 March 1934.

Notes April 1941,


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