CG Jung Clubs

The Psychology Club Zurich was founded in 1916 by Mr. and Mrs. McCormick-Rockefeller, Emma and Carl Gustav Jung, and some Zurich friends of Complex Psychology. It was located in a neo-Gothic building in Gemeindestrasse 27, Zürich, donated for the use of the club. Here analysts, trainee analysts and lay members would meet frequently to research and debate. From the very beginning the clubhouse was probably the most important forum for C.G. Jung himself to present his ideas in many seminars and lectures. Members of the club were hearing ideas forming before Jung published them. In 2016 the Psychology Club Zurich celebrated its centenary and it is still an important centre in the Jungian world.

The Psychology Club Zurich became the prototype for other psychological clubs all over the world. Clubs with both professional analysts and lay persons as members. Often Jung Clubs from in places before there is an official IAAP Member Society and then foster the development of a training and a professional group. The international clubs are often called “C.G. Jung Club of Place-name” or “Place-name Friends of Jung”. The existence of many of these clubs around the world is evidence of the ongoing interest in Jung’s ideas and psychology. One of the central motivations for the Jungian.Directory is to provide a hub through which everyone interested in Jungian ideas and Analytical Psychology can share ideas, resources and community.

Club or Society
There is a lot of solitude in the profession of an analytical psychologist or analyst. We sit one-on-one with the client, we come for individual supervisions. But it is very important to have a space where a psychologist feels like a team of like-minded people, feel the “strong shoulder” of colleagues, share his thoughts and be heard. The history of the community begins in 2014. Teachers and graduates of the…
Club or Society
C.G. Jung Association of the Miami Valley (Jung Dayton) is a nonprofit organization that provides opportunities to learn about the theories of Carl Jung. For more than 40 years as a totally volunteer Board, Jung Dayton has offered films, workshops, and lectures by Jungian analysts and scholars. Jung Dayton provides a welcoming environment of fellowship and spirited conversation in which individuals can learn about C.G. Jung’s valuable insights into the…
Club or Society
Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ― C.G. JungThe mission of Charlotte Friends of Jung Inc. is to nurture a community based on the insights of C.G. Jung and those who have amplified his work. We offer engaging broad-based educational programs led by regional experts and international speakers. Membership is open to anyone…
Club or Society
The IGA was founded in 1971 by Dr S H Foulkes and a group of colleagues to provide clinical training in Group Analytic Psychotherapy.Group Analysis is a form of psychotherapy by the group, of the group, including the group therapist/conductor. It aims to achieve a healthier integration within the individual and in their network of relationships.  ​Focusing on the relationship between the individual and the group places emphasis on…
Club or Society
The Cambridge Jungian Circle offers various resources and events to engage individuals interested in Jungian thought and ideas. They publish a biannual publication called ‘The Chronicle’ and provide introductory material for newcomers to Jungian concepts. They also offer additional resources for those seeking to deepen their understanding of Jung’s work. Membership options are available for individuals interested in actively participating in their activities. The Circle hosts monthly talks featuring authors,…
Club or Society
The mission of the C.G. (Carl Gustav) Jung Association of Central Ohio is to provide resources within a supportive community to help individuals creatively explore the unconscious and the energies that move through each of us. The self-knowledge we gain through this exploration leads not only to the discovery and appreciation of our individual meaning and purpose in life, but the deeper, collective patterns that develop within culture as well.…
Club or Society
Southern Arizona Friends of Jung is a public organization in Tucson. Friends of Jung is dedicated to promoting the psychology of C. G. Jung through affordable lectures, workshops and discussion groups designed for both lay and professional interests.
Club or Society
The Connecticut Association for Jungian Psychology (CAJP), is a creative learning community centered on the ideas of Carl Gustav Jung, which emphasizes the whole person as a path to self-knowledge, creativity and well being. We endeavor to foster the understanding of the archetypal dimension and its impact on daily life. CAJP is dedicated to making the methods and insights of Jung more widely available to individuals and professional groups by…
Club or Society
“Eranos has come into existence at a time when the collective unconscious is peculiarly disturbed, and is breaking through all over the world in religious, political, social, and other manifestations. Historically and astrologically, we live in a period of transition from one age to another—from one side of the Zodiac to the another—from the sign of Fishes into that of Aquarius, and this constellation causes all the upheavals in the…
Club or Society
“El ser humano es similar a una casa de huéspedes. Cada día llega alguien nuevo a su puerta: una alegría, una decepción, algo difícil o doloroso se presentarán como visitantes inesperados. Dales la bienvenida y acógelos a todos, incluso si es una muchedumbre de preocupaciones la que vacía tu casa de sus muebles. Trata a cada huésped honorablemente, ya que podría estar vaciándote para una nueva delicia. Ve a la…
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