Jungian News

A letter from the IAAP to the WHO on 18 July, 2024 IAAP Protests Bias Against Psychodynamic Therapies In March of this year the World

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Studi Junghiani N. 59 (2024) Biannual magazine of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology Studi Junghiani the bi-annual journal of AIPA (Associazione Italiana Psicologia Analitica)

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Short Substack essays by Tom Singer on current political events Psychological commentary on politics In an email inviting colleagues to read his essays Tom Singer

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Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse 2024/1 (N° 159) ‘jung dans le monde’ Jungian Encounters Around the World The June 2024 issue of “Cahiers Jungiens de Psychanalyse”

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Michael Fordham Prize 2023 Labels as a scaffold for individuation We congratulate Leigh Money on winning the Michael Fordham Prize 2023 with her beautifully written paper

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BJP celebrates 40 years of publication

The latest issue of the Journal of Analytical Psychology includes several noteworthy articles. Greta Kaluzeviciute-Moreton and Christopher E. M. Lloyd explore therapists’ perceptions of integrating CBT and

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