
This non-profit company that operates this website Jungian.Directory and the associated weekly newsletter is:

JUNGIAN DIRECTORY CIC (company number 14358190)

Registered in England and Wales as a non-profit Community Interest Company
Phone: +447736289148
Email: [email protected]

Jungian.Directory provides journalistic and publishing services. The two staff responsible for producing content are:

Buranee Haupt – [email protected]
Stephen Garratt – [email protected]

Jungian.Directory exists in order to provide a central hub for the Jungian community, through which information that is already available on the internet can be more easily found. Much of the content we publish is republished from other public internet sources.

Content is republished in order to create an aggregated searchable database for the Jungian community.

We make no claim to authorship and do not seek to profit from information provided by other organisations. In all cases where we have republished content we link back to the original source.

Some of the content published on Jungian.Directory is also simultaneously published to the Jungian.Directory Facebook page and Twitter feed.

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