Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Rita Grayson, Theresa Fraser

ISBN-13: 9780367507794

cite: Grayson, R & Fraser, T. (2021). The Embodied Brain and Sandtray Therapy (Stories of Healing and Transformation). Routledge.

The Embodied Brain and Sandtray Therapy invites readers to absorb the magic and mystery of sandtray therapy through a collection of stories.

Woven throughout these pages is the neurobiological foundation for the healing and transformation that takes place during deep encounters with sand, water, and symbolic images. Such scientific grounding provides the basis for clinicians to understand how sandtray therapy supports their healing work. In addition to client stories, the authors have also bravely shared their personal experiences, both challenging and rewarding, of being sandtray therapists.

Clinicians who are considering becoming sandtray therapists are given an inside peek into the learning journey and its many benefits. Those who are already practicing sandtray therapy will find this book both supportive and affirming.

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

1.Playing in the Sandbox: The Birth of a Healing Tool

Theresa Fraser and Caron Leader

2. Drawn to the Sand: Becoming a Sandtray Therapist

Rita Grayson and Theresa Fraser

3. Healing the Embodied Brain: The Neurobiology of Sandtray Therapy

Rita Grayson

4. It is Never Too Late: Healing Trauma Across the Lifespan with Sandtray Therapy

Theresa Fraser

Section 2: Stories of Healing in the Sandtray

5. Troubled Waters: Navigating Difficult Life Transitions

Rita Grayson

6. Lost and Found: Reuniting with Self, Tales of the Wandering Psyche

Aimee L. Jennings and Sean P. Jennings

7. Through the Eyes of a Child: Sandtray Therapy with Children

Caron Leader

8.Who Am I?: The Journey of Self-Discovery

Rosalind Heiko

9. Being with What Is: Touching Grief in the Sand

Barbara Jones Warrick

10. Rediscovering Balance: Combining Sandtray Therapy and EMDR

Elaine Wittmann and Jacqueline Aldridge

11. Working Across Cultures: Finding Common Ground in the Sand

Joanne Wicks

12. Finding Safety: Healing Attachment Wounds in the Sandtray Therapy Process

MereAnn Reid

13. Sandtray with a Mind of its Own: Developing Trust in the Wisdom of the Process

Bonnie Badenoch

Section 3: Tying it all Together

14. The Heart of the Matter: Common Experiences of the Sandtray Therapist

Rita Grayson

15. Honoring the Legacy: Keeping Margaret Lowenfeld’s Vision Alive in the Future

Theresa Fraser

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