Embodied Imagination

Robert Bosnak
Independent study



Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak teaches Embodied Imagination in this course. Bosnak is a highly valued Jung Platform faculty member and his courses are described by participants as original, provocative and challenging.

Since graduating from the Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977,  Bosnak has developed a method based on how the involuntary imagination — such as in dreaming, memories and symptoms –arises in the body before we are consciously aware of it mentally. This trademarked method called Embodied Imagination (EI) allows us to explore unconscious aspects of our lives by way of our subjective body-experience. Here Bosnak teaches for the first time how to practice this unique method on our own, both by yourself and for helping others.

Embodied Imagination is used by many people suffering from serious physical illness. This method enables them to live their challenging lives with less exhaustion and more buoyantly.  People with emotional or relational issues often discover relief when ossified narratives give way and new possibilities arise from what was stagnant. Creative people, and that means all of us, also find ways through blocks and stalemates with the help of EI.

Bosnak will provide simple step-by-step demonstrations of these EI techniques, enabling the participants to make this method their own and apply it to any aspect of their lives that could use some shaking up. EI accesses a depth of being before the bifurcation of body and mind. This is where life processes are unfolding our embodied intelligence. This means that shifts in embodied consciousness will affect soul and body equally. EI is the celebration of the plasticity of  life whose primary adversary is rigidity.

This course offers you a unique view of how Robert Bosnak works.

Bosnak will also discuss the philosophical foundations of this technique. This makes this course a treat for the body and mind.



  • You have a desire to craft your future in a flexible way connected to your creative roots
  • You are eager to explore your trans-rational and unknown wellsprings in surprising new ways that blow your routine mind and are theoretically grounded.
  • You suspect that the embodiment process you go through every day demonstrates a deep intelligence but you don’t know how to access this embodied intelligence
  • You enjoy Robert Bosnak’s teachings
  • Participate more profoundly in your life and develop greater resilience and authenticity
  • Access embodied wisdom
  • Apply the technique of Embodied Imagination to memories, dreams and symptoms
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