Dreams are an inexhaustible source of creativity, full of emotion, perception and movement. In this course, Victoria Rabinowe shares examples of dream journals bursting with feeling, vision and intention. You’ll see how a dream journal can be a place to find your soul and mend your heart through spending time with your dreams. Victoria shows you how to create journal images that express the story and the mood of your dream. These images reveal aspects of your life, and with Victoria you’ll see how giving visual shape to the dream in your journal can help you engage more consciously with your inner and outer world.
You’ll learn hands-on ways to approach the riddles of the night with curiosity, originality and confidence.
The first two classes present various creative ways of keeping a dream journal. The structural elements of the dream are discussed. Each element of a dream contains the whole so that just remembering one part of a dream is enough to find your way back into the dream and what’s moving in it. Victoria suggests you pay attention to who’s visiting you and why.
The third class offers practical suggestions and techniques about how to get the dream image onto the page. Curiosity is the only prerequisite, as the dream itself has life and creativity- that’s art enough!
Victoria will guide you in trusting the synchronicity of the moment and the dream to let you find images in magazines or newspapers that express the feeling of the dream. She will help you give body to the jewels and beasts of your dreams.
Step into a creative adventure. Open your dream journal.
Course Overview:
CLASS 1: Getting hold of the dream
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In this class you’ll see examples of dream journals that vibrantly record dreams through writing, drawing and collage.You’ll learn the structural elements that help you remember and keep hold of the story and feel of the dream. Victoria shows how the plot, landscape, people, animals, objects and emotions can be captured and energetically recorded.
Victoria shares an important dream of her own and the images she made of it. As she enters the characters she discovers feelings and strengths she didn’t know she had. She tells us how making the images and letting them speak helped her make life changing decisions.
CLASS 2: Opening up the dream
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In this class you’ll hear examples of how to enter the language of dreams, and come to the emotion that moves it.
You’ll explore through Victoria´s examples how the dream image moves, feels, looks and acts.
You’ll consider how any particular image may be saying something metaphorically about you or for you.
You’ll learn to what extent symbol dictionaries can be useful and to trust your own experience of the image
You’ll see how the dream journal can be a place to be spontaneous, intimate and passionate.
CLASS 3: Imaging the dream
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This class shows examples of various ways your hands can help bring what moves in your dreams into your waking world.
You’ll see how the creative process can bring the dream image to life through computer drawing, collage, non-dominant hand drawing, dream mapping and other simple expressive techniques.
You’ll learn about how to start a collection of text and magazine images
Victoria encourages you to trust the synchronicity of the images you find in magazines and newspapers with what happens in your dreams.
You’ll consider with Victoria how to bring the dream forward and let new endings unfold
CLASS 4: Last Class
During the fourth session Victoria will present some ideas for creative projects beyond the journal- decks of dream cards, handmade dream books, mandalas, medicine wheels, totems and shrines.