The ARAS webinar series, Gaia: Then and Now, is now fully complete, offering an exploration of humanity’s relationship with Earth through a mythopoetic lens. The webinars look at archetypal themes and symbolic stories, providing a fresh way to consider humanity’s role in the ecological crisis. Among the highlights of Season Two are Maryliz Smith’s Song of the Earth, a poetic reflection on the interconnectedness of life, and Stephan Harding’s Gaia Alchemy, which bridges scientific and mythological perspectives on Earth’s vitality. Jules Cashford’s The Eleusinian Mysteries explores ancient wisdom traditions and their relevance to our contemporary ecological predicament, while Patricia Damery’s Song of the Oak offers insights into the sacred connection between humanity and nature.
Season One also features exceptional sessions, such as Jeffrey Kiehl’s Mandala as an Archetypal Portal to Engage Climate Chaos, which uses symbolic imagery to engage with the psychological dimensions of environmental challenges, and Shoshana Fershtman’s Goddesses in Pre-Patriarchal Culture, which revisits ancient myths to inspire ecological renewal.
Each webinar is now available to view, complete with access to transcripts where applicable. Visit the ARAS website to explore the full series.