
Feb 08 2025


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Feb 08 2025
  • Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm






The New Mexico Society of Jungian Analysts
The New Mexico Society of Jungian Analysts

The Warrior as a Cultural and Psychological Necessity

The world is increasingly at war—literally and metaphorically. To cope, many seek personal methods of gaining peace—through meditation, yoga, time in nature, exercise, even therapy. But these methods are often utilized to escape difficult emotions like fear and anger. Even developing emotional intelligence can be motivated by a desire to think about emotions rather than feel them. Because the world is engulfed by fear and anger, conscientious people are doing everything possible to eliminate them, which is not helping because it just enacts another kind of war. We are caught between the guru and the soldier and paradoxically enough, both must often kill their emotions to complete their mission, which can leave behind a trail of massacred lives in one form or another.

We are suffering from the cultural and psychological absence of the Warrior. Indigenous cultures have always recognized the importance of the Warrior for the human community because the Warrior is experientially trained to honor fear and anger. Without the Warrior we lose what fear and anger can teach us. When we oppose these emotions, we put ourselves in conflict with the psyche itself and no one at war with themselves can live peacefully with others or the earth.

This Saturday Zoom webinar will cover the Warrior as a psychological and cultural necessity from Indigenous and depth psychological perspectives, why fear and anger are integral to psychological wholeness and human community, and what the Warrior can teach us about living at peace with ourselves, others, and the earth.

  • Number of hours credit:


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