Jung on Aging


Enjoying the Afternoon of Life; 4 sessions of audio lectures plus written materials/exercises/readings

Analytical psychology – Jung’s version of depth soul work – is unique among psychotherapeutic schools in its positive attitude toward old age and the aging process. Jung felt that people should live into life right up to the moment of death and he laid out a process for doing so that draws on personality type, personal talents, creative expression and a variety of life experiences that foster soul connection and anticipation of life after life.

In this course we read Jung¹s work on the stages of life, along with several other short works by older Jungian analysts who draw on their own experience of aging. Readings and lectures, as well as multiple thought-provoking exercises are provided to students.

Distance-learning students must obtain a copy of Jane Pretat’s “Coming to Age,” which is available from Inner City Books (www.innercitybooks.net).

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