A Coronavirus Response Plan: The Mythic, The Scary & The Healing

Michael Meade, James Hollis, Robert Bosnak
Independent study


Descending into a dark night of the soul seems to serve as a metaphor for the current state of collective humanity. We find ourselves in a completely new time. And we are dealing with a pandemic which is having widespread consequences, causing severe anxiety, panic, isolation, illness and death.

In this course, three of the world’s most respected psychologists are offering a more soulful perspective. Learn to face and be with what is currently our new reality.

Michael Meade explores mythological stories that describe similar times and considers how – by exploring those – we may learn more about the archetypal territory we find ourselves in now.

Then we have James Hollis, providing us with practical perspectives and tools to reframe our fears.

Robert Bosnak combines neuroscience and imagination to provide a recipe to create what he calls “a neuro-imaginal vaccine”. He explores the question ‘how can we trigger an innate healing response while the world waits for an external vaccine to be developed?’.

  • You are interested in a depth response to the global pandemic for yourself, your loved ones, your community or your colleagues/employees.
  • You are looking for grounded perspectives and practical tools to help manage fear and anxiety during these times.
  • You are looking for techniques that can help stimulate and boost the immune system.
  • You would like to understand how mythological stories can be a navigational tool to deal with the times we find ourselves in.


  • Have practical tools and perspectives to better deal with the anxiety that this time creates.
  • Have a practical way to stimulate your immune system.
  • Have a more grounded perspective on the mythological stories that share the experience of our current Zeitgeist.
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