The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Archetypal Astrology and the Transformation of the God-Image in The Red Book

Keiron Le Grice, Murray Stein, Thomas Arzt
Independent study


The Asheville Jung Center is very pleased to announce an upcoming webinar about the new book Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions Volume 2 hosted by the co-editors Murray Stein and Thomas Arzt. In this webinar they will bring in Keiron Le Grice to speak about his chapter titled “The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Archetypal Astrology and the Transformation of the God-Image in The Red Book.” A broader consideration of the significance of Jung’s Red Book must take into account the historical moment in which it was created. If it is relevant not only to Jung himself, as the articulation of a personal mythology, but also to Western civilization at large, then we must turn our focus to the evolution of the modern West as revealed in its major historical and religious transitions. One way this might be done, in keeping with the tenets of Analytical Psychology, is to consider the archetypal factors impinging upon the Western psyche and the cultural Zeitgeist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from the time of Jung’s birth to the creation of Liber Novus. In so doing, we might gain some perspective on the significance of our own time and our evolving conceptions of the spiritual dimension of experience.

Since its publication in 2009, The Red Book: Liber Novus by C.G. Jung has been a huge success in commercial terms and in gaining general recognition as a significant work of artistic value and of historical interest. The Red Book has been translated into numerous languages; papers and books have been written about it; conferences and seminars have been held to focus on many aspects of its historical and psychological content. Now the time has come to look at it as a work containing immense value for guiding people forward in our time, postmodernity. To that purpose, this webinar series will feature speakers who will address this topic from several different perspectives.

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