Masculinity is in crisis. As the waning of patriarchy has eroded social norms and gender stereotypes that privileged males, increasing numbers of men in our culture are now struggling with feelings of rejection, existential angst, and uncertainty. Since the beginning of the #metoo movement, much has been written about “toxic” masculinity, insidious misogyny, and the need for collective action to stem the tide of violent acts against women. Meanwhile, the epidemic of violence erupting from isolated and alienated young men continues to dominate headlines on a seemingly daily basis. New models of authentic masculinity are desperately called for, but few exist. Now, more than ever, masculine psychological development is in need of serious reimagining. This course will explore the archetypal underpinnings of masculine psychological development to enrich clinical understanding of the maladaptive male behaviors, attitudes, ideas, and outlooks that are increasingly presenting in consulting rooms across the country and around the world.
28 East 39th Street, NYC | 5 Wednesday, 7:15 – 8:45pm UTC-4 | November 9, 16, 30, December 7, 14
(No class session Nov. 23)