Breakfast at Küsnacht: Conversations on C.G. Jung and Beyond comprises a series of interviews with 10 Jungians and a special guest, Susie Orbach, feminist and relational psychotherapist. Each interview begins by asking them about the central steps of their intellectual biography/journey and which authors (or research areas) they consider essential for their own development and work (also beyond psychoanalysis). Therefore, when interviewing the Jungians, three basic questions were asked: (1) Who is Jung? Or, who is your Jung? (2) What is Jung´s relevance today? (3) What are dreams? These questions preceded a look into their own work and contributions.
Themes contained within the book include: C.G. Jung´s work and his validity today; HIV and AIDS; Anima/Animus and Homosexuality; Alchemy; Dreams; Marie-Louise von Franz; Wolfgang Giegerich and Hegel; Otto Gross, the Personal and the Political; Individuation; Painting, Drawing and the Unconscious; the Red Book; Relational Psychoanalysis; Women, Feminism, Love and Revolution; The application of the I-Ching in therapy; Becoming and Analyst.
Contributors are:
-Paul Attinello, Ph.D.
-John Beebe, Ph.D.
-Ursula Brasch, M.A.
-Stefano Carpani, M.A., M.Phil.
-Gottfried M. Heuer, Ph.D.
-George Hogenson, Ph.D.
-Philip Kime, Ph.D.
-Marianne Meister-Notter, Dr. Phil.
-Susie Orbach, Ph.D.
-Alfred Ribi, M.D.
-Murray Stein, Ph.D.
-Mark Winborn, Ph.D.
Table of Contents
Preface by Verena Kast
Introduction by Stefano Carpani
Breakfast at Küsnacht
Chapter 1: C.G. Jung and Thinking about HIV/AIDS – Paul Attinello
Chapter 2: C.G. Jung, Anima/Animus, Homosexuality, and Integrity – John Beebe
Chapter 3: C.G. Jung and the I Ching – Ursula Brasch
Chapter 4: Otto Gross: “The Personal is the Political” – Gottfried M. Heuer
Chapter 5: C.G. Jung, Depth, and Transformation – George Hogenson
Chapter 6: C.G. Jung, Hegel, and Wolfgang Giegerich – Philip Kime
Chapter 7: C.G. Jung, Individuation, and Painting the Unconscious – Marianne Meister-Notter
Chapter 8: How Are Women Today? Feminism, Love, and Revolution – Susie Orbach
Chapter 9: C.G. Jung, von Franz, and Alchemy – Alfred Ribi
Chapter 10: C.G. Jung, Individuation, and The Red Book – Murray Stein
Chapter 11: C.G. Jung and Becoming a Psychoanalyst – Mark Winborn