Memoir Madness: The Art & Psychology of Writing Memoir

Juan Thompson, Dennis Patrick Slattery, Maureen Murdock, Hendrika de Vries
Start Date: 03/03/2023
End Date:05/03/2023
Scheduled course


“I think many people need, even require, a narrative version of their life. I seem to be one of them. Writing memoir is, in some ways, a work of wholeness.”

–Sue Monk Kidd

“What I wrote were things that assailed me from within myself. I permitted the spirit that moved me to speak out. A book of mine is always a matter of fate. There is something unpredictable about the process of writing, and I cannot prescribe for myself any predetermined course.”

–C.G. Jung

Do you have a story that is insisting on being told, yet you’re wrestling with self-doubt or questions as to where and how to begin? Writing memoir is as much a psychological journey as it is an artistic process. There is no single path to follow, rather every memoirist seems to have to blaze their own trail in what many would agree, often evolves as a type of heroic journey of the soul. While there seems to be some common mile markers along this path, each person’s journey is unique.

We invite you to spend a weekend with this incredible team of well-recognized memoirists as they share the backstories of their inner process of writing and offer insights and wisdom for navigating your own journey towards a published memoir.

  • You are interested in accessing the deeper levels of the psyche in your writing process
  • You are working on or thinking about writing a memoir and want creative approaches to work with your own life’s prima materia
  • You are struggling with a writing process that works and want to hear from successfully published memoirists about their individual and varied processes.
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