Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Leslie Ellis

ISBN-13: 9781032806976

cite: Ellis, L. (2025). A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy: Demystifying Dreamwork. Routledge.

A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy demystifies the process of working with dreams by providing both a grounding in the current science of dreaming as well as a simple, practical approach to clinical dream work.

In addition to a survey of the current science and neuroscience of dreaming, this book includes clinical examples of specific techniques with detailed transcripts and follow-up commentary. Chapters cover how to work with PTSD nightmares and its relationship to the nervous system and polyvagal theory, and how to use experiential dreamwork techniques to produce lasting change. This second edition has been thoroughly updated throughout, including new case studies, and a new, detailed clinical example of embodied experiential dreamwork.

Readers will be able to discuss their clients’ dream material with confidence, armed with an approach that helps them collaboratively tap into the inherent power for change found in every dream.

Table of Contents

Introduction  1. Fast-track to deep waters: Why work with dreams?  2. Bringing it home: Inviting dreamwork into your practice, and your life  3. Common factors: Toward a universal dreamwork method  4. Mapping the route: The science of dreaming  5. Understanding the terrain: The dream is born in metaphor  6. From ordinary to sublime: Kind of dreams  7. Navigating the dream divide: Woman in the mirror dream  8. The central quest: Finding the life force inherent in dreams  9. Avenues of exploration: Visual art and technology  10. The inner journey: Dreams and the body  11. Perfect storms: Working with nightmares and bad dreams  12. Nightmares and health: Why treatment is imperative  13. Nightmare Relief: An embodied experiential treatment protocol  14. Fellow travellers: Working with dreams in groups  15. How dreams enlarge us: Big dreams  16. Transformation: Dreamwork as a catalyst for change  Index

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