Readers today are especially thrilled by the prospect of good news. Drought and global warming, civil war and famine, poverty and economic inequity—yes, bad news abounds. This book by Dr. Stephen Wilkerson, on the other hand, is about hope and optimism for the future. The recorded history of our world is largely one of a sometimes worthy patriarchal striving. It has, however, all too often been tarnished, marred, and horribly disfigured by the hatreds, intolerance, and destruction that have accompanied it. And the good news? There is another way, poignantly and persuasively outlined nearly two hundred years ago by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, involving the Divine Feminine.
Goethe’s masterpiece, Faust, involves an immensely intelligent but profoundly narcissistic man, who cruelly and selfishly exploits and ultimately ruins the life of an innocent maiden. In the legend on which Goethe’s great work is based, Faust understandably winds up in Hell, just as he does in virtually every version of this well-known wager with the Devil. But in Goethe’s interpretation, the deeply flawed protagonist is received into Heaven by the Mother of God Herself.
How and why can this be? Mankind’s long history of heroic accomplishment has never been sufficiently tempered by a sense of global community and cooperation that mitigate the horror and devastation that ever seem to march along beside a single-minded struggle to achieve and prevail. And how may this missing unity be brought about? Alchemy as understood in this book has nothing to do with an early and misguided chemistry and everything to do with the sort of individual transformation necessary for a better, more gracious, more inclusive world.
The millennial patterns of blind violence and repression can only be ameliorated by a thoughtful and genuine embrace of open-minded reception of difference and heart-felt valuation of a larger, borderless world in which all grow together rather than further apart. Such is the promise of the final words in Goethe’s Faust: “The Divine Feminine leads us forward.”
Table of Contents
Preface 1
The Mystery of the Unification 9
The Life of Goethe 23
Introduction 23
Childhood and Youth 24
The First Weimar Period 37
The Second Weimar Period 49
The “Procession of Beloved Women” 65
Death—Of Goethe and Friends 79
Goethe the Alchemist 91
Introduction 91
Brief Survey of the History of Alchemy 96
Goethe the Alchemist 114
Jung, Alchemy, and the Coniunctio 135
Introduction/The Life of Jung 135
Jung and Alchemy 148
Raff: Jung and the Alchemical Imagination 168
The Mystery of the Coniunctio:
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust 177
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—Introduction 177
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—Patience 187
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—The Pathway 189
The Mystery of the Coniunctio:
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust 209
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—Alchemical Color Change 209
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—The Coniunctio 229
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—Alchemical Clues 250
The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust—Conclusion 257
The Coniunctio and the Unity of Faust 261
Introduction 261
Part One—The Earth Spirit 265
Part One—Alchemy and the Plague/Walpurgis Night 270
Part Two 278
Part Two—Homunculus 285
Part Two—Baucis and Philemon 289
Part Two—The Mothers 292
Faust, Ascent, and Alchemy 299
Introduction 299
Faust and The Divine Comedy 302
The Pilgrim’s Progress 307
Marlowe—Doctor Faustus 313
Gounod’s Faust 318
Mann—Doctor Faustus 324
Conclusion 331
Faust and the Eternal Feminine 335
Bibliography 355
Index 367