Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Stefano Carpani

ISBN-10: 036771020X
ISBN-13: 9780367710200

cite: Carpani, Stefano. (2022). Anthology of Contemporary Theoretical Classics in Analytical Psychology: The New Ancestors. Routledge.

This anthology of contemporary classics in analytical psychology bring together academic, scholarly and clinical writings by contributors who constitute the “post-Jungian” generation.

Carpani brings together important contributions from the Jungian world to establish the “new ancestors” in this field, in order to serve future generations of Jungian analysts, scholars, historians and students. This generation of clinicians and scholars has shaped the contemporary Jungian landscape, and their work continues to inspire discussions on key topics including archetypes, race, gender, trauma and complexes. Each contributor has selected a piece of their work which they feel best represents their research and clinical interests, each aiding the expansion of current discussions on Jung and contemporary analytical psychology studies.

Spanning two volumes, which are also accessible as standalone books, this essential collection will be of interest to Jungian analysts and therapists, as well as to academics and students of Jungian and post-Jungian studies.


Table of Contents

1. Seeing With the Eyes of the Spirit

Paul Bishop

2. A Critical Appraisal of C.G. Jung’s Psychological Alchemy

Ann Casement

3. Narcissus’s Forlorn Hope: The Fading Image in a Pool too Deep

James Hollis

4. Complexes and Their Compensation: Suggestions from Affective Neuroscience

Verena Kast

5. Hesitation and Slowness: Gateway to Psyche´s Depth

Stanton Marlan

6. The Other Other: When the Exotic Other Subjugates the Familiar Other

Renos K. Papadoupolos

7. Jungian theory and contemporary psychosomatics

Denise Ramos

8. Feminism, Jung and Transdisciplinarity: a Novel Approach

Susan Rowland

9. From Neurosis to a New Cure of Souls: C.G. Jung’s Remaking of the Psychotherapeutic Patient

Sonu Shamdasani

10. The Dao of Anima Mundi: I Ching and Jungian Analysis, the Way and the Meaning

Shen Heyong

11. A Personal Meditation on Politics and the American Soul

Tom Singer

12. On Jung’s View of the Self – An Investigation

Murray Stein

13. Building the Bridges between Psychologies of the “South” and the “North”: Spanning the Work of James Hillman and Paulo Freire

Mary Watkins

14. The Clash of Civilizations? A Struggle between Identity and Functionalism

Luigi Zoja

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