This ground-breaking book re-positions C.G. Jung’s legacy, and the field of analytical psychology, within the panorama of contemporary knowledge in biology, psychology and anthropology, on the grounds of the role of affects and emotion as the foundation of all psychic activity.
Within this new volume, Stefano Carta aims to provide a new, up-to-date way of understanding Jung’s work and to show the effect his central positions can be understood much better in relation to topics such as the nature of the psyche, of the self, of the collective unconscious, and of archetypal theory. From an evolutionary and biological perspective, this book describes, with extensive substantiations and an original discussion, the transformation of the biological processes into psychological ones. Additionally, the book aims to identify current tendencies which view analytical psychology in increasingly reductionistic ways and reaffirm the dynamism of Jung’s paradigm.
With international appeal and original and interdisciplinary in scope, this will be of great interest to Jungian scholars and analysts, as well as students and those on Jungian-oriented training courses.
Table of Contents
1. Introductory Remarks 2. Explanations and Experience 3. Jung’s Motivational Theory: Affects, Emotions and Feelings 4. Jung and Affects 5. Affects and Neurobiology 6. The Problem of the So-called Instinct 7. Affects, Feelings and Co-evolution 8. The Psychosomatic Complex 9. Cognitive Development 10. Dispositionality, Teleology, Complexity and Object Presenting 11. Numinosum and Individuation