Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Wolfgang Giegerich (Author), Marco Heleno Barreto (Author), Peter White (Author), Greg Mogenson (Editor)

ISBN-10: 1738860620
ISBN-13: 978-1738860623
Dusk owl Books

cite: Giegerich, W (Author), Barreto, HM (Author), White, P (Author), Mogenson, M (Editor). (2024). Human Dignity and the Garden of Eden Story: Distinctions, Disputations, and New Insights. Dusk owl Books.

Consciousness, according to Jung, cannot exist without a discrimination of differences, nor the soul without the subject matters and opposing viewpoints that it meets itself in and as. In this book, “the soul” as psychological consciousness establishes itself by means of a high-level dispute over the meaning and provenance of the human dignity concept in Modernity. Whereas traditionally, this concept had been quietly backed up by man’s firm conviction of having been created in the image and likeness of God, it is remarkable to observe the ubiquity of undignified, entitled, and narcissistic appeals to human dignity and human rights in our secular times. Into this contradiction the authors of the essays in this volume provide deep insights, even while disputing one another’s interpretations of such symbolical touchstones as the imago dei, the coniunctio, and the Garden of Eden story. With rigour and brilliance, clarifications are offered, all along the way, with respect to the question of how interpretations are to be structured if they are to be truly psychological in the spirit of Jung’s “psychology with soul.”

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