Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Susan E. Schwartz

ISBN-10: 978-1-032-32481

cite: Schwartz, S. (2023). Imposter Syndrome and The ‘As-If’ Personality in Analytical Psychology. Routledge.

This insightful book explores the ‘as-if’ personality through the lens of Jungian analytical psychology, illuminating how the same forces
that can disturb personal development relationally, socially, and culturally are equally an impetus toward expressing and relating
with ones more complete self. Using understandable language to interweave various psychoanalytical and philosophical frameworks,
Imposter Syndrome and the ‘As-If’ Personality in Analytical Psychology: The Fragility of Self is both accessible to general readers and highly relevant to professional analysts, therapists, clinicians, and social workers.

Table of Contents:




1. As-If defined

2. Through the looking glass of persona

3. The presence of the father’s shadow

4. The refusal of twoness in sexual addiction and pornography

5. This is a love story- Echo and Narcissus

6. Blank, void, emptiness

7. Envy as a disturbed search for self

8. The encounter of transferences

9. Ageing, image and illusion

10. Body Fragility

11. Where do I belong?

12. Living on  Index

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