Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Peter W. Demuth

ISBN-10: 1958263095
ISBN-13: 978-1958263099
Dancing Raven Press

cite: Demuth, PW. (2023). Monsters in Life and Literature: A Forensic Psychologist Reflects on the Nature of Good and Evil. Dancing Raven Press.

Before becoming a Jungian analyst, Dr. Peter Demuth was a Senior Forensic Psychologist, having spent decades studying, evaluating, and treating violent criminals. He now shares with you what he has learned about human violence and the potential for evil, applying his forensic experience and his Jungian depth training to famous literary stories of monsters. Dr. Demuth is a compelling storyteller himself, and you will find yourself fascinated—and reflecting on the dark side of human nature that is a potential in each of us and in those we encounter in everyday life. Before becoming a Jungian analyst, Dr. Peter Demuth spent decades as a Forensic Psychologist, studying, evaluating, and treating violent criminals.  In this book, he brings his forensic experience and Jungian depth training to famous literary stories of monsters.   In the first part of this  book he introduces readers to concepts as psychological allergies, dark and light psychological adaptation, the behavioral chain, the effects of behavioral reinforcement, the existence of free will, and the ever important, yet often overlooked  necessity of mature, healthy ego strength in the management of everyday life.  He then meticulously sketches out the multiple factors that go into shaping an individual’s emotional and moral development and discusses the impact of important Jungian concepts such as archetypes, the shadow, and complexes. Dr. Demuth takes an up-close look at psychopathy and its intersection with violence, introducing several well researched psychological assessment instruments to show how important diagnostic distinctions are made.    Dr Demuth explores the stories of literary monsters whose driving characteristics will inevitably manifest in the lives of actual individuals. Each story is told and discussed in depth, and the monster’s level of psychopathy and potential for rehabilitation are rated. Dr. Demuth is a compelling storyteller himself, and you will find yourself fascinated—and reflecting on the dark side of human nature that is a potential in each of us and in those we encounter in everyday life.

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