Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Jim Kline

ISBN-10: 9781032221908

cite: Kline, J. (2023). Nonrational Logic in Contemporary Society: A Depth Psychology Perspective on Magical Thinking, Conspiracy Theories and Folk Devils Among Us. Routledge.

Nonrational Logic in Contemporary Society explores modern examples of beliefs that defy logic but nevertheless are enthusiastically embraced by legions of contemporary people living in technologically advanced societies.The appeal of nonrational logic is based upon C.G. Jung’s ideas regarding archetypes, considered to be unconscious thought and behavioural patterns universal to all of humanity and expressed in dreams, art, religion, and reports of supernatural and paranormal experiences such as the belief in UFOs, conspiracy theories associated with child sacrifice and devil worship, lizard people who secretly rule the world, and internet demons whom many insist are real.

C.G. Jung insisted that archetypal reality must be acknowledged for what it is: expressions of universal truths about the human condition. Nonrational Logic includes a multitude of examples from world folklore and reports of traditional customs from around the world collected in the multivolume anthropological classic, The Golden Bough, by James Frazer, comparing these traditional reports with contemporary ones to underscore the human psyche’s obsessive desire to embrace the fantastic, the extraordinary, and the unbelievable.

Nonrational Logic in Contemporary Society is important reading for analytical psychologists, Jungian psychotherapists, and other professionals as well as the general public seeking to understand how prevalent nonrational thinking is in modern societies and how it reflects traditional expressions.

Table of Contents


What is Nonrational Logic?

1. Folk Devils Among Us

2. Magical Thinking- Primary Process Thinking = Delusional Thinking = Hysterical Thinking

3. Don’t Touch, Think, or Do That- Contagion, Contamination, and Taboo

4. Totemism- The Golden Bough, Toilet, Dildo and Gun

5. Soulful and Soulless

6.The Dying and Resurrecting God/King/Hero/Billionaire

7. Techpocalypse, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Smartphone Index

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