Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Andreas Schweizer

C.G. Jung’s letters to the artist and analysand Hedy Wyss, published here for the first time, are a unique testimony to Jung’s vivid and sparkling spirit. Here we encounter the…

ISBN-13: 978-3-85630-795-0

Schweizer, A. (2023). C.G. Jung: Letters to Hedy Wyss 1936 – 1956. Daimon Verlag.

Torben Hansen, Henrik Hass

This important book examines how the growing field of cybernetic psychology – the study of the creative complexity of the mind – can be applied to a range of different…

ISBN-13: 9781032418919

Hansen, T & Hass, H. (2023). Unconscious Intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology. Routledge.

Ann Casement

This book is an introduction to the ideas of the Swiss psychologist and psychoanalyst, C. G. Jung. The first chapter describes his early home life whilst subsequent chapters are devoted…

ISBN-13: 9781912691258

Casement, A. (2021). Jung: An Introduction. Karnac.

Nancy Swift Furlotti

Erich Neumann (1905-1960) was a student, close collaborator, and life-long friend of C. G. Jung’s. He moved from Berlin to Palestine in 1934 where he endured WW11 with much distress.…


Furlotti, N. (2023). Eternal Echoes: Erich Neumann’s Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil – ZLS Edition. Chiron Publications.

Peg Hurley Dawson

This book is designed to educate sex therapists and mental health professionals on the power of using sand when treating sexual issues, providing guidance in accessing their clients’ unconscious to…

ISBN-13: 9781032482910

Dawson, P. (2023). Sand Therapy for Out of Control Sexual Behavior, Shame, and Trauma: Treatment Approaches Beyond Words. Routledge.

Susan K Faron

Open this book and enter the world of eros and, curiously, emptiness—two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive … possibly even thrive. Through…


Faron, SK. (2023). The Wise Old Woman Spirit: Help as a Partnership. Chiron Publications.

Andrew Floyer Acland

Religious Hatred and Human Conflict focuses the lens of psychodynamic psychology on a phenomenon that often confounds conventional thinking – the intensity of conflict with religious or quasi-religious dimensions. The…

ISBN-13: 9781032500508

Acland, A. (2023). Religious Hatred and Human Conflict: Psychodynamic Approaches to Insight and Intervention. Routledge.

Douglas Thomas

This fascinating volume investigates how the concept of soul is connected to BDSM and kink, exploring the world of alternative sexualities through the psychology of C. G. Jung and James…

ISBN-13: 9781032122076

Thomas, D. (2023). The Deep Psychology of BDSM and Kink Jungian and Archetypal Perspectives on the Soul’s Transgressive Necessities. Routledge.

Keiron Le Grice

In this compelling psychological memoir, Keiron Le Grice, the 2023 Zurich Lecture Series’ speaker, details his experience of a profound transformative crisis between 2001 and 2004. He explains how, by…

ISBN-10: 1685031579
ISBN-13: 978-1685031572

Le Grice, K. (2023). The Lion Will Become Man [ZLS Edition]: Alchemy and the Dark Spirit in Nature-A Personal Encounter. Chiron Publications.

Susan E. Schwartz

This insightful book explores the ‘as-if’ personality through the lens of Jungian analytical psychology, illuminating how the same forces that can disturb personal development relationally, socially, and culturally are equally…

ISBN-10: 978-1-032-32481

Schwartz, S. (2023). Imposter Syndrome and The ‘As-If’ Personality in Analytical Psychology. Routledge.

Stephen Aizenstat

Discover how you can optimize the power of your imagination to unleash your innate genius and build a better world. If ever there was a time and a place to…

ISBN-10: 1649630026
ISBN-13: 978-1649630025

Aizenstat, S. (2023). The Imagination Matrix: How to Access the Greatest Power You Have for Creativity, Connection, and Purpose. Sounds True.

Laurel Howe

The animus remains a baffling, misunderstood force in women’s psychology, but the fairytale “Fitcher’s Bird” brings his ambivalent, wizardly power and his psychic aims as the spirit of individuation into…

ISBN-10: 168503179X
ISBN-13: 978-1685031794

Howe, L. (2023). The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher's Bird: Returning Spiritual Life to Nature in the Individuation of Women. Chiron Publications.

Steven Buser & Len Cruz

This Festschrift celebrates Murray Stein, a man whose life and influence within Analytical Psychology has spanned several continents, wildly different cultures, several sweeping societal shifts, and now enters his ninth…

ISBN-10: 1685031838
ISBN-13: 978-1685031831

Buser, S & Cruz, L. (2023). Individuation Psychology: Essays in Honor of Murray Stein. Chiron Publications.

David E. Schoen

Visual imagery, historical data, mythological amplification, modern dream material, synchronistic phenomena and first-hand experience are the substance of this whirlwind text that uncovers the psychological significance of great storms.

ISBN-13: 9780919123793

Schoen, D E. (1998). DIVINE TEMPEST: The Hurricane As a Psychic Phenomenon. Inner City Books.

Daryl Sharp

This book grew out of the author’s desire to pinpoint key passages in Jung’s writings that have nourished him for years. It provides readers with the main ingredients of Jung’s…

ISBN-13: 9780919123960

Sharp, D. (2001). DIGESTING JUNG: Food for the Journey. Inner City Books.

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