Books by, about, and for Jungians
Travelogue, literary autobiography, and journalistic exposé of the mores of capital punishment, Rue Rilke chronicles its author’s initiatory Rilke pilgrimage to France and Switzerland and-upon his return to America-his up-close…
ISBN-10: 1630513598
ISBN-13: 1630513598
Polikoff, DJ. (2013). Rue Rilke. Chiron Publications.
In the Image of Orpheus tells the inner story of Rilke’s literary career, tracing—step by step—the mythopoetic journey inscribed in the interweaving lines of the poet’s life and art. Blending…
ISBN-10: 1630510629
ISBN-13: 978-1630510626
Polikoff, DJ. (2013). Rilke, a Soul History: In the Image of Orpheus. Chiron Publications.
On the Spirit and the Self: The Religious Art of Marc Chagall compliments and extends the scholarship surrounding Chagall’s place in the History of 20th Century Art as a Religious…
ISBN-10: 1630514209
ISBN-13: 978-1630514204
Swan, J. (2019). On the Spirit and the Self: The Religious Art of Marc Chagall. Chiron Publications.
A lyrical analysis of Jane Eyre and a study of literature, feminism, and psychoanalysis. Table of Contents Windowseat Mirrored Phantom Apothecary Black Pillar Lowood Helen Burns Natural Curl The Seed-Cake…
ISBN-10: 1888602899
ISBN-13: 978-1888602890
Spignesi, A. (2013). Lyrical-Analysis: The Unconscious Through Jane Eyre. Chiron Publications.
Three plays analyzed from a Jungian perspective and a fresh wit, catching many contemporary nuances in these well-loved plays and their continuing relevance for today. From the book: “A model…
ISBN-10: 1630510033
ISBN-13: 978-1630510039
Rogers-Gardner, B. (2013). Jung and Shakespeare - Hamlet, Othello and the Tempest. Chiron Publications.
Essays from, among others, playwright Edward Albee, analyst Joseph Henderson, actor Lee Marvin, scientist Linus Pauling, novelist Isaac Bashevis Singer, critic and philosopher Jacques Barzun, literary critic Norman Sherry, and…
ISBN-10: 1888602945
ISBN-13: 978-1888602944
Wilmer, H. (1991). Creativity: Paradoxes & Reflections. Chiron Publications.
This unique account by a dance and drama therapist is the first of its kind to integrate Jungian theory, creative arts therapy, and developmental object relations theory successfully. Using the…
ISBN-10: 1630510084
ISBN-13: 978-1630510084
Lewis, P. (2013). Creative Transformation: The Healing Power of the Arts. Chiron Publications.
Readers today are especially thrilled by the prospect of good news. Drought and global warming, civil war and famine, poverty and economic inequity—yes, bad news abounds. This book by Dr.…
ISBN-10: 163051411X
ISBN-13: 978-1630514112
Wilkerson, S. (2019). A Most Mysterious Union: The Role of Alchemy in Goethe’s Faust. Chiron Publications.
What if a spirit from your past could guide you into your future? Sarah finds herself inquisitive about those who have come before her and the circumstances of their death.…
ISBN-10: 1685031420
ISBN-13: 978-1685031428
Newton, M. (2023). The Letters of Hope Street. Chiron Publications.
What exactly is JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook? It is a yearbook, of course! Is it also a monograph, an almanac, a journal, and a poetry book? Indeed! JUNGIANEUM/Yearbook expands our thinking with papers…
Carpani, S. (2022). Jungianeum/Yearbook. Chiron Publications.
In 1916, salon host Mabel Dodge entered psychoanalysis with Smith Ely Jelliffe in New York, recording 142 dreams during her six-month treatment. Her dreams, as well as Jelliffe’s handwritten notes…
ISBN-13: 9780367749323
Everett, P. (2021). The Dreams of Mabel Dodge (Diary of an Analysis with Smith Ely Jelliffe). Routledge.
Between 2007 and 2011, Michael Eigen gave three seminars in Seoul, each running over three days and covering different aspects of psychoanalysis, spirituality and the human psyche. This book is…
ISBN-13: 9780367757847
Eigen, M. (2021). Eigen in Seoul Volume Three: Pain and Beauty, Terror and Wonder. Routledge.
Semiotic Subjectivity in Education and Counseling demonstrates the importance of addressing the concept of the unconscious in learning. Exploring the innovative concept of edusemiotics, it challenges the received notion of…
ISBN-13: 9781032087733
Semetsky, IR. (2021). Semiotic Subjectivity in Education and Counseling: Learning with the Unconscious. Routledge.
This book opens out a wholly new field of enquiry within a familiar subject: it offers a detailed – yet eminently readable – historical investigation, of a kind never yet…
ISBN-13: 9781032238180
Turner, J. (2021). D. H. Lawrence and Psychoanalysis. Routledge.
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