Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Christopher Hauke & Ian Alister

Jung and Film brings together some of the best new writing from both sides of the Atlantic, introducing the use of Jungian ideas in film analyis. Illustrated with examinations of…

ISBN-13: 9781583911334

Hauke, C & Alister, I. (2001). Jung and Film: Post-Jungian Takes on the Moving Image. Routledge.

Clair Mellenthin, Jessica Stone, Robert Jason Grant

Implementing Play Therapy with Groups is a new and innovative edited book bringing together experts from across the field of play therapy to explore how to facilitate group play therapy…

ISBN-13: 9780367556563

Mellenthin, C. Stone, J. Robert, JG.. (2021). Implementing Play Therapy with Groups: Contemporary Issues in Practice. Routledge.

Rita Grayson, Theresa Fraser

The Embodied Brain and Sandtray Therapy invites readers to absorb the magic and mystery of sandtray therapy through a collection of stories. Woven throughout these pages is the neurobiological foundation…

ISBN-13: 9780367507794

Grayson, R & Fraser, T. (2021). The Embodied Brain and Sandtray Therapy (Stories of Healing and Transformation). Routledge.

Lucinda Hill

This book explores the nature of Jung’s understanding of modern art, in particular his reception to the work of Picasso and his striking prejudice shown in his controversial essay of…

ISBN-13: 9781032120331

Hill, L. (2022). Jung’s Reception of Picasso and Abstract Art. Routledge.

Roderick Main, C. G. Jung, Wolfgang Pauli

This book includes essays that emphasize the part played by pre-existing images or archetypes in the development of concepts and scientific theories and stress the need for complementary principles in…

ISBN-13: 9781315101606

Main, R. Jung, CG. Pauli, W. (2022). The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche (The work of Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli). Routledge.

Carl Gustav Jung

Visions : Notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934 (2 Volume Set) (Bollingen) by C. G. Jung (1997)

ISBN-13: 9780415187480

Jung, CG. (1998). Visions: Notes on the Seminar Given in 1930-1934. Routledge.

Brian A. Gerrard, Jacqueline Shinefield

This book uses psychological type as a model for organizing mental health interventions, including assessing how a client’s personality is affected within a specific relationship using the Psychological Type Relationship…

ISBN-10: 9780367562885

Gerrard, BA & Shinefield, J. (2022). Psychological Type Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide to Strengthening Relationships. Routledge.

Grant Maxwell

This groundbreaking work synthesizes concepts from thirteen crucial philosophers and psychologists, relating how the ancient problem of opposites has been opening to an integration which not only conserves differentiation but…

ISBN-10: 9781032049854

Maxwell, G. (2022). Integration and Difference Constructing a Mythical Dialectic. Routledge.

Doreen Fleet

In this book, Fleet provides the first comprehensive guide to implementing sand-tray therapy within a pluralistic framework. Pluralistic Sand-Tray Therapy offers several unique contributions to a theoretical understanding of the…

ISBN-10: 9780367747749

Fleet, D. (2022). Pluralistic Sand-Tray Therapy: Humanistic Principles for Working Creatively with Adult Clients. Routledge.

Monika Renz

This book details a five-phase model of the process of forgiveness and reconciliation, exploring how it can be understood as a threshold experience with the potential to offer profound emotional…

ISBN-10: 9781032316970

Renz, M. (2022). Forgiveness and Reconciliation: Initiating Individuation and Enabling Liberation. Routledge.

Charles Baudouin

Charles Baudouin (1893-1963) was a French psychoanalyst. Born in Nancy, a town that played a significant role in the history of psychoanalysis, he was a contemporary of Freud, Jung and…

ISBN-10: 9781138825413

Baudouin, C. (2015). Collected Works of Charles Baudouin. Routledge.

Martyna Chrześcijańska

Psychogeotherapy offers a critical exploration of the roles played by ideas of space and containment in psychotherapy. Employing approaches from psychogeography with a focus on the praxis of ‘aimless walking’,…

ISBN-10: 9780367681258

Chrześcijańska, M. (2022). Psychogeotherapy: Revisioning Therapeutic Space. Routledge.

Greg Mahr, Christopher Drake

This fascinating and accessible book offers a comprehensive overview of dream interpretation theory and modern dream science, presenting an argument for dreamwork as a means to better understand emotional challenges…

ISBN-10: 9781032121833

Mahr, G & Drake, C. (2022). The Wisdom of Dreams: Science, Synchronicity and the Language of the Soul. Routledge.

Ana Martinez Acobi

Drawing largely from the psychoanalytic ground of Jung, Bion and Winnicott, from Plato and Whitehead and from numerous clinical studies, this book explores ‘Absence’ and ‘Future’ in the context of…

ISBN-10: 9781032200040

Acobi, A M. (2022). The Emergent Container in Psychoanalysis Experiencing Absence and Future. Routledge.

Elizabeth Davis, Jocelyn Fitzgerald, Sherri Jacobs, Jennifer Marchand

This book guides therapists trained in EMDR in the successful integration of the creative arts therapies to make the healing potential of EMDR safer and more accessible for patients who…

ISBN-10: 9780367742836

Davis, E. Fitzgerald, J. Jacobs, S. Marchand, J.. (2022). EMDR and Creative Arts Therapies. Routledge.

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