Books by, about, and for Jungians
This unique book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of psychotherapy. The first of two volumes, it traces the roots of psychotherapy in ancient times, through the influence of…
ISBN-10: 9781032169408
Foschi, R & Innamorati, M. (2022). A Critical History of Psychotherapy, Volume 1 From Ancient Origins to the Mid 20th Century. Routledge.
This book explores the analyst’s countertransference experience in clinical settings from a number of theoretical perspectives in order to develop a transtheoretical definition of countertransference. Stemming from an examination of…
ISBN-10: 9781032335568
Roman, R. (2024). Towards a Transtheoretical Definition of Countertransference: Re-visioning the Clinician's Intersubjective Experience. Routledge.
This book explores Jung’s central concept of shadow from a particular configuration that the author calls “Absolute Shadow,” placing it in relation to the idea of destiny as catastrophic. Clinically…
ISBN-10: 9781032200095
Caramazza, E. (2022). The Absolute Shadow: Destiny, Fate, and Intergenerational Processes in Analytical Psychology. Routledge.
This unique book offers a comprehensive overview of the history of psychotherapy. Volume 2 traces the evolution of psychotherapy from the 1950s and the later 20th century through to modern…
ISBN-10: 9781032169415
Foschi, R & Innamorati, M. (2022). A Critical History of Psychotherapy, Volume 2 From the Mid-20th to the 21st Century. Routledge.
This book provides a fresh approach to motivation in primary school children by exploring the role of metaphor and symbol in language and art as a means of expressing insights…
ISBN-10: 9781032119403
Ashton, E. (2022). The Role of Metaphor and Symbol in Motivating Primary School Children. Routledge.
Fear and Primordial Trust explores fear as an existential phenomenon and how it can be overcome. Illustrated by clinical examples from the author’s practice as a psychotherapist and spiritual caregiver…
ISBN-10: 9781032009643
Renz, M. (2023). Fear and Primordial Trust: From Becoming an Ego to Becoming Whole. Routledge.
Reflecting on and exploring the connection between the environments in which we live and our moods, motivations and dreams, this insightful volume takes the growing field of terrapsychology into new…
ISBN-10: 9781032396415
Chalquist, C and Barnwell, G. (2023). Terrapsychology Further Inquiry into Self, Place and Planet. Routledge.
The purpose of this book is to clarify the function of the symbol and its place at the juncture of psychoanalysis and other social sciences, where the singular and the…
Boukhabza, Dominique . (2023). A Jungian Understanding of Symbolic Function and Forms - The Dream Series. Routledge. London
Jean Benjamin Stora has worked as a psychoanalyst and psychosomatist for almost five decades. The aim of integrative psychosomatics is to heal the body and mind in relationship to one…
ISBN-10: 9781800131446
Stora, JB. (2023). The Psychosomatic Therapy Casebook: Stories from the Intersection of Mind and Body. Phoenix Publishing House.
Often lips are sealed, and delicate topics avoided, when children or adolescents are in a conflict situation or have experienced a trauma. Psychologists, psychotherapist, teachers are challenged and must find…
ISBN-10: 1685031455
ISBN-13: 978-1685031459
Guggenbühl, A. (2023). The Power of Stories: Mythodrama: Conflict Management and Group Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents Using Stories. Chiron Publications.
Aniela Jaffé presents thoughts and ruminations that Jung shared with her as they prepared Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung. These never-before-published revelations present a kaleidoscope of episodic, philosophical, humorous…
ISBN-10: 978-3-85630-792-9
Jaffé, A. (2023). Reflections on the Life and Dreams of C.G. Jung. Daimon Verlag.
Trauma and the Supernatural in Psychotherapy explores how traumatic experience interacts with unconscious phantasy based in folklore, the supernatural, and the occult. Drawing upon psychoanalysis, anthropology, the arts, and esoteric…
ISBN-10: 9780367707477
Monk, A. (2023). Trauma and the Supernatural in Psychotherapy: Working with the Curse Position in Clinical Practice. Routledge.
This thought-provoking volume offers an overview of contemporary representations of prominent female characters as they appear in an array of moving-image narratives from a Jungian and post-Jungian perspective. Applying a…
ISBN-10: 9781032181400
Bassil-Morozow, H. (2023). The New Heroines in Film and Television Post-Jungian Perspectives on Contemporary Female Characters. Routledge.
In the classic edition of this outstanding book, originally published in 1998, Richard Frankel explores adolescence as a crucial, unique, and turbulent period of human development. He provides guidance for…
ISBN-10: 9781032114330
Frankel, R. (2023). The Adolescent Psyche Jungian and Winnicottian Perspectives. Routledge.
Race and the Unconscious engages the archetypal African consciousness that enriches our knowledge regarding the foundational mythopoetic of Africanist dreaming. Featuring crucial historical context, Jungian and post-Jungian theory, clinical case…
ISBN-10: 9781032114484
Brewster, F. (2023). Race and the Unconscious: An Africanist Depth Psychology Perspective on Dreaming. Routledge.
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