Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Michelle Rivera-Clonch

This engaging new book uncovers the cultural context behind the peace symbol’s emergence, its growing significance in the 1960s, and its ongoing presence in today’s worldwide grassroots and nonviolent social…

ISBN-10: 9781032464640

Rivera-Clonch, M. (2023). A Depth Psychological Study of the Peace Symbol Jung, Politics and Culture. Routledge.

Salman Akhtar, April Fallon, Rama Rao Gogineni

Collectively authored by psychoanalytic colleagues of multiple nationalities, ages, genders, religious origins, and meta-theoretical persuasions, Besides Family goes far beyond the usual orbit of parents and siblings. Casting a wide…

ISBN-10: 9781800131774

Akhtar, S. Fallon, A. Gogineni, R. (2023). Besides Family: Extending the Orbit of Psychic Development. Phoenix Publishing House.

Marie-Louise von Franz

Marie-Louise von Franz believed fairytales to be the purest and simplest expressions of the collective unconscious. Too often the interpreter regresses to a personalized approach, however, heroes and heroines are…

ISBN-10: 1685031692
ISBN-13: 978-1685031695

von Franz, ML. (2023). Volume 8 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairytales & Animus and Anima in Fairytales. Chiron Publications.

Joachim Küchenhoff

What can psychoanalysis contribute to the interpretation and understanding of cultural products, in particular, literary works? What, on the other hand, can novels and plays offer to widen the conceptual…

ISBN-10: 9781800131682

Küchenhoff, J. (2023). Mutual Impact: At the Crossroads of Psychoanalysis and Literature. Phoenix Publishing House.

John A. Cahman

The partisan split in American politics is the result of a major transformation of the West, as the psychology of the past based on hierarchy and privilege is being replaced…

ISBN-10: 163051764X
ISBN-13: 978-1630517649

Cahman, J A. (2019). C.G. Jung and the Crisis in Western Civilization: The Psychology of Our Time. Chiron Publications.

Christopher Carter, Tiffany Houck

This important collection explores the attitude of white supremacy in analytic psychology starting with its founder, Carl Gustav Jung, utilizing Jungian analytic theory to explore ways in which the erroneous…

ISBN-10: 9781032318035

Carter, C & Houck, T. (2023). Jungian Reflections on Systemic Racism: Members of an American Psychoanalytic Community on Training, Practice and Inclusivity. Routledge.

James Hollis

What is it that brings meaning to your life? Our culture tells us to seek wealth, power, prestige, or even enrollment in someone else’s idea of a worthy cause―yet where…

ISBN-10: 1649630727
ISBN-13: 978-1649630728

Hollis, J. (2023). A Life of Meaning: Relocating Your Center of Spiritual Gravity. Sounds True.

Henry Abramovich

It was happening again. I had to see her. I couldn’t stand it: Sweating   Being dizzy Heart pounding so hard you knew you were going to die Right now.…

ISBN-10: 168503165X
ISBN-13: 978-1685031657

Abramovich, H. (2023). Panic Attacks in Pistachio: A Psychological Detective Story. Chiron Publications.

Christian Roesler

This important book offers a critical and timely reassessment of one of the cornerstones of analytical psychology, Jung’s concept of archetypes. Exploring not only Jung’s original writings but also the…

ISBN-10: 1032390492
ISBN-13: 9781032390499

Roesler, C. (2023). Deconstructing Archetype Theory: A Critical Analysis of Jungian Ideas. Routledge.

Ruth Ammann, Verena Kast, Ingrid Riedel

TREASURES FROM THE ARCHIVE is essential reading for those interested in active imagination, expressive modalities, the work of C. G. Jung, or the history of psychoanalysis. The integration of expressive…

ISBN-10: 781958263068

Ammann, R. Kast, V. Riedel, I. (2023). Treasures from the Archive. Analytical Psychology Press.

Mark Winborn

Jungian Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Introduction provides a concise overview of analytical psychology as developed by Carl Jung. Mark Winborn offers a succinct introduction to the key elements of Jung’s conceptual…

ISBN-10: 9781032121932

Winborn, M. (2023). Jungian Psychoanalysis A Contemporary Introduction. Routledge.

Murray Stein

Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics including Christianity, individuation,…


Stein, M. (2023). The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 7 – The Problem of Evil. Chiron Publications.

Kevin Volkan, Vamik D. Volkan

There is a great deal of confusion about psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, even among practitioners of these methods. One reason is the sheer volume of psychoanalytic psychotherapies currently practised around…

ISBN-10: 9781800131
ISBN-13: 9781800131996

Volkan, K. Volkan, VD. (2023). How the Mind Works: Concepts and Cases in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Phoenix Publishing House.

Andre Green

‘Living with the idea of bearing a death-force fundamentally directed at oneself is hardly easy to admit. It is less so in any case than the idea that we are…

ISBN-10: 9781912691
ISBN-13: 9781912691647

Green, A. Levine, HB. Jaron, S. (2023). On the Destruction and Death Drives. Phoenix Publishing House.

Shinichi Nakazawa

Nakazawa connects Buddhist philosophy with modern sciences such as psychology, quantum theory, and mathematics, as well as linguistics and the arts to present a perspective on understanding the mind in…

ISBN-10: 9781032125992

Nakazawa, S. (2023). A Holistic Lemma Science of Mind The Potential of the Buddhist Flower Garden Sutra. Routledge.

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