Books by, about, and for Jungians
A guide to dream precognition and its implications • Outlines a set of clear principles to help guide dreamworkers, illustrated through real precognitive dream experiences • Shows how to detect…
ISBN-10: 1644112698
ISBN-13: 978-1644112694
Wargo, E. (2021). Precognitive Dreamwork and the Long Self: Interpreting Messages from Your Future (A Sacred Planet Book). Inner Traditions.
Polly Young-Eisendrath´s Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted was first published by Harmony Books in 1999. Since then, it has become a classic read for those readers- to…
ISBN-10: 1685031218
ISBN-13: 978-1685031213
Young-Eisendrath, P. (2023). Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to be Wanted. Chiron Publications.
Derived from Ruth Williams’ more than 40-year immersion in spiritual practice, as well as her clinical experience as a Jungian analyst, this thought-provoking volume explores the nature of spiritual paths…
ISBN-10: 9781032256818
Williams, R. (2023). Exploring Spirituality from a Post-Jungian Perspective Clinical and Personal Reflections. Routledge.
Within the vast corpus of the works of C.G. Jung is a paper titled, “Psychotherapists or the Clergy.” Apropos of the case Jung makes in that text with respect to…
ISBN-10: 1738860604
ISBN-13: 978-1738860609
Mogenson, G. (2023). Vicarius Animae: Speculative I-statement in Jungian Psychotherapy. Dusk Owl Books.
This volume explores Jung’s theories in relation to the concept of Other and in conjunction with the lived experience of it, while examining current events and cultural phenomena through the…
ISBN-10: 1032121866
ISBN-13: 978-1032121864
Carter, M. (2022). The Spectre of the Other in Jungian Psychoanalysis Political, Psychological, and Sociological Perspectives. Routledge.
An in-depth look at ancient Greek practices for profound, lasting healing • Explores hidden soul-healing practices including dream incubation and interpretation as well as sacred pilgrimage • Examines how dreams,…
ISBN-10: 164411089X
ISBN-13: 978-1644110898
Tick, E. (2023). Soul Medicine: Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimage. Healing Arts Press.
Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly’s Passionate Poiesis concerns itself with the contemporary art work of Cy Twombly as seen against the deep background of classical Greek mythology. In particular, the…
ISBN-10: 1630517364
ISBN-13: 978-1630517366
Astrachan, Gary D. (2020). Naming the Gods: Cy Twombly's Passionate Poiesis. Chiron Publications.
The stories of this collection were written over a span of several decades beginning in 1985 and ending in 2022. A few of them were translated by Manisha Roy from…
ISBN-10: 1685030912
ISBN-13: 978-1685030919
Roy, M. (2022). The Old Prostitute and Other Stories. Chiron Publications.
Do we, like Jung, need to leave the spirit of the time and follow the spirit of the depths, to call out “my soul, where are you?” through the windows…
Stein, M. (2022). Jung’s Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul In the 21st Century – An Eranos Symposium Volume 5. Chiron Publications.
Carl Jung was the founder of analytical psychology who revolutionized the way we approached the human psyche. Drawing on Eastern mysticism, mythology and dream analysis to develop his theories, Jung…
ISBN-10: 1789505755
ISBN-13: 978-1789505757
Bobroff, G. (2020). Knowledge in a Nutshell: Carl Jung: The complete guide to the great psychoanalyst, including the unconscious, archetypes and the self. Arcturus Publishing Limited; Illustrated edition.
The second book in Susan Rowland’s Mary Wandwalker Mystery Series!Former Archivist Mary Wandwalker hates bringing bad news. Nevertheless, she confirms to her alma mater that their prized medieval alchemy…
Rowland, S. (2023). The Alchemy Fire Murder: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery. Chiron Publications.
The archetypal story of Medea is a cautionary tale for our era. Jason and Medea’s marriage, favored by the gods, represents an attempt at a union of opposites very far…
ISBN-10: 1630518328
ISBN-13: 978-1630518325
Chapman, A. (2020). Violence and Women: Exploring the Medea Myth. Chiron Publications.
Breakfast at Küsnacht: Conversations on C.G. Jung and Beyond comprises a series of interviews with 10 Jungians and a special guest, Susie Orbach, feminist and relational psychotherapist. Each interview begins…
ISBN-10: 1630518042
ISBN-13: 978-1630518042
Carpani, S. (2020). Breakfast At Küsnacht: Conversations on C.G. Jung and Beyond. Chiron Publications.
Der altehrwürdige Begriff der Seele als eines vom Körper unabhängigen Wesens, dessen Heimat das Jenseits war, wie er in der christlichen Religion, in der Metaphysik und im Volksglauben gegolten hat,…
ISBN-10: 1999226690
ISBN-13: 978-1999226695
Giegerich, W. (2022). Was ist Seele? (German Edition). Dusk Owl Books.
The modern practice of medicine and psychology grew out of the ancient Greek healing tradition, said to be founded by Asklepios, god of healing and dreams. For two thousand years…
ISBN-10: 164411089X
ISBN-13: 978-1644110898
Tick, E. (2023). Soul Medicine: Healing through Dream Incubation, Visions, Oracles, and Pilgrimage. Healing Arts Press .
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