Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Christian Roesler

C. G. Jung’s Archetype Concept: Theory, Research and Applications by Christian Roesler (2021)

ISBN-10: 367510537
ISBN-13: 9780367510534

Roesler, C. (2021). C. G. Jung’s Archetype Concept: Theory, Research and Applications. Routledge.

William K Grevatt

The alchemy of tyranny : a Jungian perspective by William K Grevatt

ISBN-13: 9798650607083

Grevatt, William K. (2020). The alchemy of tyranny : a Jungian perspective. Wm. Grevatt & Associates. [United States?]

Rudolf Martin Högger

The sacred thread : the development of personality according to Hindu traditions and Jungian psychology by Rudolf Martin Högger

ISBN-10: 9937623200
ISBN-13: 9789937623209

Högger, Rudolf Martin. (2014). The sacred thread : the development of personality according to Hindu traditions and Jungian psychology. Kathmandu.

Carol Whitfield

The vedantic self and the jungian psyche by Carol Whitfield

ISBN-10: 9380049129
ISBN-13: 9789380049120

Whitfield, Carol. (2009). The vedantic self and the jungian psyche. Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust. Chennai

Carol Whitfield

The Jungian myth and Advaita Vedanta by Carol Whitfield

ISBN-10: 9380049056
ISBN-13: 9789380049052

Whitfield, Carol. (2009). The Jungian myth and Advaita Vedanta. Arsha Vidya Research and Publication Trust. Chennai, India

Darrell Dobson

Transformative teaching : promoting transformation through literature, the arts, and Jungian psychology by Darrell Dobson

ISBN-10: 9087904517
ISBN-13: 9789087904517

Dobson, Darrell. (2008). Transformative teaching : promoting transformation through literature, the arts, and Jungian psychology. Sense Publishers. Rotterdam

Robert A. Segal

Collective Structures of Imagination in Jungian Interpretation (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies) by Robert A Segal (2022)

ISBN-10: 9004468749
ISBN-13: 9789004468740

Segal, Robert A. (2022). Collective Structures of Imagination in Jungian Interpretation (Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies). Brill.

Françoise Bonardel

Ombra dell’uomo ombra di Dio by Françoise Bonardel (2017)

ISBN-10: 8878854980
ISBN-13: 9788878854987

Bonardel, Françoise. (2017). Ombra dell'uomo ombra di Dio. Rosenberg & Sellier.

Pietro Barcellona

L’anima smarrita by Pietro Barcellona (2015)

ISBN-10: 8878852961
ISBN-13: 9788878852969

Barcellona, Pietro. (2015). L'anima smarrita. Rosenberg & Sellier.

Marta Tibaldi

Transcultural identities Jungians in Hong Kong by Tibaldi Marta (2016)

ISBN-10: 8875752605
ISBN-13: 9788875752606

Tibaldi Marta. (2016). Transcultural identities Jungians in Hong Kong. Artemide Edizioni.

Verena Kast

Le fiabe di paura. Il trauma della separazione e il rischio della simbiosi by Verena Kast (2007)

ISBN-10: 887447492X
ISBN-13: 9788874474929

Kast, Verena. (2007). Le fiabe di paura. Il trauma della separazione e il rischio della simbiosi. Red Edizioni.

Verena Kast

Le fiabe che curano. Racconti popolari e psicoterapia by Verena Kast (2013)

ISBN-10: 8874474490
ISBN-13: 9788874474493

Kast, Verena. (2013). Le fiabe che curano. Racconti popolari e psicoterapia. Red Edizioni.

L. Cornalba

Incontri con la morte by L. Cornalba (1996)

ISBN-10: 8870780252
ISBN-13: 9788870780253

Cornalba, L.. (1996). Incontri con la morte. Cortina Raffaello.

James Hillman

Puer aeternus by James Hillman (1999)

ISBN-10: 8845914453
ISBN-13: 9788845914454

Hillman, James. (1999). Puer aeternus. Adelphi.

James Hillman

Fuochi blu by James Hillman (1996)

ISBN-10: 8845912329
ISBN-13: 9788845912320

Hillman, James. (1996). Fuochi blu. Adelphi.

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