Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Luisa Zoppi, Martin Schmidt

This important volume offers a broad and in-depth overview of how to understand and treat trauma from a Jungian perspective, written by internationally recognized experts in the field of Jungian…

ISBN-10: 9781032287003

Zoppi, L & Schmidt, M. (2024). The Complexity of Trauma: Jungian and Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Treatment of Trauma. Routledge.

Gary Clark

This book revaluates Carl Jung’s ideas in the context of contemporary research in the evolutionary sciences. Recent work in developmental biology, as well as experimental and psychedelic neuroscience, have provided…

ISBN-10: 9781032624518

Clark, G. (2024). Carl Jung and the Evolutionary Sciences: A New Vision for Analytical Psychology. Routledge.

Laura Andrikopoulos

Using the works and theories of Carl Gustav Jung and the astrologers Alan Leo, Dane Rudhyar and Liz Greene, this volume provides a cultural history of psychological astrology in the…

ISBN-10: 9781032749891

Andrikopoulos, L. (2024). Jung and Twentieth Century Psychological Astrology: Perspectives on Magic, Psychology and Culture. Routledge.

Dale Mathers, Carola Mathers

Dreams: The Basics presents introductory and accessible information about what dreams are, where they come from, what they do, and how to understand and work with them. This book demythologises…

ISBN-10: 9781032327358

Mathers, D & Mathers C. (2024). Dreams: The Basics. Routledge.

Ryan D. Foster

Humanistic Sandtray Therapy: The Definitive Guide to Philosophy, Therapeutic Conditions, and the Real Relationship provides a comprehensive exploration of the underlying theory, necessary skills, and practical applications behind Humanistic Sandtray…

ISBN-13: 9781032658070

Foster, RD. (2024). Humanistic Sandtray Therapy: The Definitive Guide to Philosophy, Therapeutic Conditions, and the Real Relationship. Routledge.

Barbara Holifield

Featuring a foreword by Donald Kalsched, this important book examines the integration of the subjectively experienced body in the practice of depth psychology. Barbara Holifield draws from philosophical perspectives, neuroscientific…

ISBN-13: 9781032286082

Holifield, B. (2024). Being with the Body in Depth Psychology: Development, Trauma, and Transformation in the Unspoken Realm. Routledge.

Sulagna Sengupta

Animus, Psyche and Culture takes Carl Jung’s concept of contra-sexual psyche and locates it within the cultural expanse of India, using ethnographic narratives, history, religion, myth, films, biographical extracts to…

ISBN-10: 1138389765
ISBN-13: 9781138389762

Sengupta, Sulagna. (2023). Animus, Psyche and Culture A Jungian Revision. Routledge.

Hazel Da Breo

This distinctive volume examines the psychological claims of spirit possession and psychosis as they are linked to child sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and poor mental health. In the context…

ISBN-13: 9781032122113

Da Breo, H. (2024). Psychosis, Spirit Possession and Child Sexual Abuse: A Jungian, Depth and Liberation Psychology Perspective. Routledge.

Mark Holmwood

Every picture tells a story, and stories have the power to educate. Looking at two key Jungian archetypes – the father and the shadow – from a challenging perspective, this…

ISBN-13: 9781032495743

Holmwood, M. (2024). Shadows of Fatherhood, Jung, and Film. Routledge.

Publius Ovidius Naso (Author), Charles Boer (Translator)

The greatest single narration of what the mythic world of antiquity looked, thought, and felt like at its climax in a striking translation. In this tour de force, all the…

ISBN-10: 0882141694
ISBN-13: 978-0882141695

Boer, C. (2024). Ovid's Metamorphoses. Spring Publications.

Jon Mills

Famine. Extreme climate change. Threats of global war and nuclear annihilation. Obscene wealth disparities. Is civilization destined for self-annihilation? In this timely book, philosopher and psychoanalyst Jon Mills explores the…

ISBN-10: 978-1-5381-8900-9

Mills, J. (2024). End of the World: Civilization and Its Fate. Rowman & Littlefield.

Barbara Morrill

Within this fascinating new book, Barbara Morrill analyses the journal writings of Etty Hillesum, a young Jewish woman in the 1940’s, as she began analysis with a Jungian-oriented practitioner in…

ISBN-10: 9781032756073

Morrill, B. (2024). The Jungian Inspired Holocaust Writings of Etty Hillesum: To Write is to Act. Routledge.

Valerie Andrews

If you want to get to know someone, listen to their story of home. Intimacy builds as we ask: Where do you come from?  What did you leave behind? Where…


Andrews, V. (2024). Sanctuary: The Inner Life of Home. Chiron Publications.

Matthew Bennett

Towards an Integrated Analytical Psychology presents a sophisticated overview of some of the salient philosophical, cultural, social, and clinical ingredients that have gone into contemporary visions of human psychology and…

ISBN-10: 9781032708737

Bennett, M. (2024). Towards an Integrated Analytical Psychology - Return to Freedom and Dignity. Routledge.

Rachel McRoberts

Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy is a textbook for graduate-level counseling students and supervisees. It is both an introduction to Jung’s theory and a practical guide to Jungian-informed practice. Readers…

ISBN-10: 9781032559834

McRoberts, R. (2024). Jungian Counseling and Play Therapy - Classical Theory for the Digital Age. Routledge.

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