Books by, about, and for Jungians
This timely and important new volume examines the impacts of Brexit and the war in Ukraine from the lens of the cultural complex model, in an exploration of the underlying…
ISBN-10: 9781032695082
Rasche, J & Singer, T. (2024). Cultural Complexes and Europe’s Many Souls: Jungian Perspectives on Brexit and the War in Ukraine. Routledge.
In Winging It, literary scholar and cultural polymath Randy Fertel returns to the interrogation of improvisation he began with his earlier work A Taste for Chaos (2015). In this new…
ISBN-10: 978-0-88214-158-9
Fertel, R. (2024). WINGING IT: Improv’s Power and Peril in the Time of Trump. Spring Publications.
What have the Middle Ages got to do with us? For Jung, it seems, quite a lot; after all, he tells us: “I must catch up with a piece of…
Bishop, P. (2024). Jung and the Epic of Transformation Volume 1, Wolfram von Eschenbach’s “Parzival” and the Grail as Transformation. Chiron Publications.
One of the best ways to critique a culture is to examine its language. This timely book is the first and only to pair two unconventional thinkers who strove to…
ISBN-10: 978-0-88214-161-9
Falk, B. (2024). Circling the Drain: George Carlin and James Hillman on Culture and Language. Spring Publications.
The combined edition, aptly titled Opening to the Imaginal: Waking Dreams and InvisibleGuests, promises to be a remarkable addition to our collection. This marks the third title publishedin this series,…
Watkins, M. (2024). Opening to the Imaginal: Waking Dreams and Invisible Guests. JUNGIANEUM.
While the Jungian approach to spirituality departs from specific religious beliefs and practices and does not privilege any in particular, it retains an attitude of respect for the variety of…
Stein, M. (2024). The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 8 – Psychology and Spirituality. Chiron Publications.
Who is killing off members of the Falconer family and why? Such is the challenge confronting highly skilled, extraordinarily intuitive Mary Wandwalker when she finds herself single, sixty and jobless.…
Rowland, S. (2024). Murder On Family Grounds: A Mary Wandwalker Mystery. Chiron Publications.
This book addresses an existing gap in academic arts-based research, whereby, rather than exploring music as an effective therapeutic intervention, it is explored as the central medium or tool of…
ISBN-10: 9781032503295
Brun, S. (2024). Music in Arts-Based Research and Depth Psychology Listening for Shadow as Inclusive Inquiry. Routledge.
“As the Missionaries have already been sufficiently honored and have enjoyed all the chances to tell their side of the story. I would like to say a few words on…
ISBN-10: 9788585554132
Gambini, Roberto. (). Indian Mirror - The Making of the Brazilian Soul. Daimon Verlag.
This deeply personal book contains essays and articles that portray the evolution of the author as a practicing Jungian analyst. Themes of illness, death, and violence are inherent within the…
ISBN-10: 9781032561257
Power, P. (2024). Transitions in Jungian Analysis Essays on Illness, Death and Violence. Routledge.
Jung’s concept of the mind-body relationship helps overcome misconceptions about root causes, guilt, and blame. It is important to note that the prevention and treatment of physical diseases are impossible…
ISBN-13: 978-3-85630-787-5
Daniel, Renate. (2022). Psyche and Soma: A Holistic Approach to understanding the Mind-Body Connection. Daimon Verlag.
Dual-Aspect Monism and the Deep Structure of Meaning will be of interest to researchers and advanced students working in consciousness studies, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, philosophy of physics,…
ISBN-13: 9781032219202
Harald Atmanspacher, Dean Rickles. (2024). Dual-Aspect Monism and the Deep Structure of Meaning. Routledge.
This deeply personal book contains essays and articles that portray the evolution of the author as a practicing Jungian analyst. Themes of illness, death, and violence are inherent within the…
ISBN-13: 9781032561257
Power, Pamela J. . (2024). Transitions in Jungian Analysis Essays on Illness, Death and Violence. Routledge.
Invaluable to both beginners and those more experienced with Jungian theory, this book provides tables listing key readings for further study of the Collected Works, clear explication of fundamental principles,…
ISBN-13: 9781138667013
Yeoman, Ann& Lu, Kevin . (2024). C.G. Jung's Collected Works The Basics. Routledge.
This is an illuminating read for those interested in the study of Jungian theory, psychoanalysis, social psychology, religion, transpersonal psychology, indigenous wisdom traditions, and philosophical metapsychology.
ISBN-13: 9781032536248
Amundson, Garth. (2024). Psychological and Philosophical Studies of Jung’s Teleology The Future-Orientation of Mind. Routledge.
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