Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Laura Tuley, John White

Jungian Analysis in a World on Fire will be of interest to Jungian, psychoanalytic, and depth-oriented analysts and therapists engaged in how best to work with individual clients in a…

ISBN-13: 9781032181295

Tuley, L. and White, J.. (2024). Jungian Analysis in a World on Fire At the Nexus of Individual and Collective Trauma. Taylor & Francis.

James Hillman & Charles Boer

Eat your way to sanity the Freudian way, with recipes from Sigmund Freud’s long-suppressed private cook-book. Here is the definitive work Freud would have given us had he not been…


Hillman, J & Boer, C. (2024). Freud’s Own Cookbook. Spring Publications.

Michael Ventura

These hard-hitting, heart-rendering pieces, collected from the L.A. Weekly, cover the continent’s shadow from Brooklyn to Texas and Hollywood—and across to the shores of the Gulf War. More than comments…

ISBN-10: 978-0-88214-163-3

Ventura, M. (2024). Letters at 3am: Reports on Endarkenment. Spring Publications.

Craig Chalquist, Garret Barnwell

Reflecting on and exploring the connection between the environments in which we live and our moods, motivations and dreams, this insightful volume takes the growing field of terrapsychology into new…

ISBN-10: 9781032396415

Chalquist, C and Barnwell, G. (2023). Terrapsychology Further Inquiry into Self, Place and Planet. Routledge.

Glen Slater

In Jung vs. Borg Glen Slater argues the industrial disruption of the outer world is being followed by a post-industrial disruption of the inner world, resulting in a different order…

ISBN-10: 1736205714
ISBN-13: 978-1736205716

Slater, Glen. (2024). Jung vs Borg: Finding the Deeply Human in a Posthuman Age. Winter Press . Connecticut

Jennifer M Sandoval, Colleen EL-Bejjani, Pamela J Power

Essays on “The Soul’s Logical Life” in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich: Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority is the second collection of essays dedicated to the study and application…

ISBN-13: 9781032463247

Sandoval, J. EL-Bejjani, C. Power, P.. (2024). Essays on “The Soul’s Logical Life” in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich: Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority. Routledge.

Chiara Tozzi

Based on extensive research and developed with the support of the IAAP, this fascinating new work presents the precious value of the special legacy of C.G. Jung, which he himself…

ISBN-10: 9781032533025

Tozzi, C. (2023). Interdisciplinary Understandings of Active Imagination: The Special Legacy of C.G. Jung. Routledge.

Ann Yeoman, Kevin Lu

This new introduction to Jung’s Collected Works – written in lively and accessible style – provides a comprehensive guide to key concepts in analytical (Jungian) psychology while charting the creative…

ISBN-10: 9781138667013

Yeoman, A & Lu, K. (2024). C.G. Jung's Collected Works The Basics. Routledge.

Marie-Louise von Franz

In C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, renowned analytical psychologist Marie-Louise von Franz offers an enlightening journey into the life and works of Carl Gustav Jung, a figure with…

ISBN-10: 1685031919
ISBN-13: 978-1685031916

von Franz, ML. (2024). Volume 9 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time. Chiron Publications.

Robert S. Matthews

This book unites the worlds of physics and depth psychology through analysis of carefully selected existing and new dream materials. Their interpretation by Matthews provides fertile ground for the unifying…

ISBN-13: 9781032120645

Matthews, R S. (2023). The Paradoxical Meeting of Depth Psychology and Physics: Reflections on the Unification of Psyche and Matter. Routledge.

Betty Teng, Jonathan Kopp, Thomas Singer

Drawn from the Mind of State podcast created by some of the co-authors and contributors to the New York Times bestseller, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, this compilation of…

ISBN-10: 1685031978
ISBN-13: 978-1685031978

Teng B, Kopp J, Singer T. (2022). Mind of State: Conversations on the Psychological Conflicts Stirring U.S. Politics & Society. Chiron Publications.

Chiara Tozzi

Based on extensive research and developed with the support of the IAAP, this fascinating new work presents the precious value of the special legacy of C.G. Jung, which he himself…

ISBN-13: 9781032533001

Tozzi, C. (2024). Active Imagination in Theory, Practice and Training: The Special Legacy of C. G. Jung. Routledge.

James Broderick

Volume One of The History of Psychology through Symbols provides a groundbreaking approach by expanding the roots of psychology beyond the Greeks to concurrent events during the same period (800…

ISBN-13: 9780367464608

Broderick, J. (2024). History of Psychology through Symbols From Reflective Study to Active Engagement. Volume 1: Historic Roots. Routledge.

Lisa Marchiano

Within every woman lies a powerful force: a vibrant, sizzling spirit that lives life to the fullest. For so many of us, the burdens of responsibility, caretaking, and social expectations…

ISBN-10: 1649631006
ISBN-13: 978-1649631008

Marchiano, L. (2024). The Vital Spark: Reclaim Your Outlaw Energies and Find Your Feminine Fire. Sounds True.

Sibylle Birkhäuser-Oeri

This unique book impressively illustrates how the mother complex functions both in the world and in the human psyche. On the basis of classic fairy tales – Snow White, Hansel…

ISBN-13: 9783856307912

Birkhäuser-Oeri, S. (2023). Mother Figures in Fairy Tales: A Jungian Examination of the Mother Archetype and the Mother Complex as they Appear in Well-Known Fairy Tales. Daimon Verlag.

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