Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Murray Stein

ISBN-10: 168503084X
ISBN-13: 978-1685030841
Chiron Publications

cite: Stein, M. (2022). The Collected Writings of Murray Stein: Volume 6: Analytical Psychology And Religion. Chiron Publications.

Dr. Murray Stein’s prolific career has produced a substantial body of writings, lectures, and interviews. His writings, captured in these volumes, span a wide domain of topics that include writings on Christianity, Individuation, Mid-life, the practice of Analytical Psychology, and topics in contemporary society. His deep understanding of Analytical Psychology is much more than an academic discourse, but rather a deeply personal study of Jung that spans nearly half a century.

Analytical Psychology and Religion is the sixth volume of the Collected Writings of Murray Stein. It includes works on the Bible from a depth psychological perspective, the relationship between some Jungian concepts and religious doctrines such as Divine Providence and the human as imago Dei, and a reflection on the dialogical relationship between analytical psychology and religion.

Table of Contents

-The Bible as Dream

-Synchronicity and Divine Providence

-Heaven and Hell

-The Reality of the Soul

-“Known or Unknown, God Is”

-“Introduction,” Minding the Self

-Imago Dei on the Psychological Plane

-Jungian Psychology and the Spirit of Protestantism

-Analytical Psychology and Religion


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