Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Roderick Main, C. G. Jung, Wolfgang Pauli

ISBN-13: 9781315101606

cite: Main, R. Jung, CG. Pauli, W. (2022). The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche (The work of Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli). Routledge.

This book includes essays that emphasize the part played by pre-existing images or archetypes in the development of concepts and scientific theories and stress the need for complementary principles in nature. It is a translation of “Synchronizitat als ein Prinzip akausaler Zusammenhange”.  In 1952 Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli, both at the height of their reputations, co-wrote The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche. It contained one essay by each author: Jung’s presents a challenge to mainstream science and advances the principle of synchronicity and Pauli’s argues for a more holistic conception of modern science. Roderick Main presents the original essays here with a brand-new introduction and commentary which reviews how the original text was viewed, and which traces the subsequent influences of both the essays and the two authors.

Table of Contents
1. Exposition
2. An Astrological Experiment
3. Forerunners of the Idea of Synchronicity
4. Conclusion
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