Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Stefano Carpani

Jungianeum Berlin

cite: Carpani, Stefano. (2024). The New Myth of Analysis for a Neo-Jungian Analytical Psychology. Jungianeum.Berlin

The attentive reader will already have noticed – on reading the title of this book – the not too veiled reference to James Hillman´s The Myth of Analysis (1998). With a bit of bravado, I have taken possession of Hillman´s title with the precise intention of paying tribute to such author (and thus marking an intellectual trajectory dear to myself), as well as similarly to Anthony Giddens, who also felt the need to take possession of Emile Durkheim’s Rules of Sociological Method (1885), to propose his own New Rules of Sociological Method (1976). Therefore, I ambitiously propose here my own 21st century view to The New Myth of Analysis. I doing so, I employ the work of giants such as Adorno, Bauman, Beebe, Beck, Bernhard, Freud, Giddens, Kast, Hillman, Horkheimer, Jung, Marcuse, Orbach, Samuels, Watkins, etc., to look at freedom and its consequences, freedom after freedom, and absolute freedom, complex theory, the numinous, the development of history, individualization, liquidity, individuation, love, emancipation, liberation, compensation, purpose, etc.

Structure of the book

This book, which comprises a series of idiosyncratic papers written between 2014 and 2024, focuses on the development of contemporary analytical psychology, psychoanalysis, relational psychoanalysis, psychosocial studies, and sociology from a neo-Jungian perspective and employs a Jungian-psychosocial-relational model.

This work, comprising seven thought-provoking published or unpublished papers, is a compilation of robust academic and scholarly writings. Each chapter, having either been published or scheduled for publication as a standalone piece in reputable academic outlets (journals or edited books), presents a cohesive body of work. This publication serves as an opportunity to bring together previously written and published chapters, forming a unified and meaningful collection. Beyond a mere compilation, this project transcends into a narrative mapping my intellectual journey over recent years through a series of independently published papers. My hope is that this publication adds a distinctive voice to the discourse on contemporary analytical psychology and neo-Jungian studies.

Table of contents


  1. THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL: Complex theory and the numinous in the development of History
  2. THE CONSEQUENCES OF FREEDOM: Moving beyond the intermediate states of broken individualization and liquidity
  4. THE FASCIST ANALYST & THE NEW MYTH OF ANALYSIS: Meeting and confrontation in the analytical room: the problematic behaviour of the analyst.
  5. PATTY´S HIGH HEELS: A clinical case study on the intersection of queer identity and mature adulthood
  6. THE AGE OF HYPOCRISY: War as reset and the end of certainties
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