Jungian Books

Books by, about, and for Jungians

Marie-Louise von Franz

ISBN-10: 1685031692
ISBN-13: 978-1685031695
Chiron Publications

cite: von Franz, ML. (2023). Volume 8 of the Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairytales & Animus and Anima in Fairytales. Chiron Publications.

Marie-Louise von Franz believed fairytales to be the purest and simplest expressions of the collective unconscious. Too often the interpreter regresses to a personalized approach, however, heroes and heroines are abstractions that embody collective archetypes. The innumerable variations within the same fairytale told in different cultures are like a musical theme crisscrossing humanity. In Volume 8, von Franz establishes that there is only one psychic fact to which the fairytale addresses itself, namely, the SELF.

Some fairytales emphasize the beginning phases of this experience by dwelling on the shadow, others draw attention to the anima and animus, while still others hint at the unobtainable treasure. This volume contains new and updated translations of The Interpretation of Fairytales along with Anima and Animus in Fairytales and combines them into a single volume, clarifying the Jungian approach to interpreting fairytales and offering a deep dive into anima and animus.

The anima and the animus deliver to consciousness the “life-affirming fruit.” Individuation requires engagement with these contra-sexual archetypes, but von Franz observes that “Anima and animus are not always happy to have this relationship-they lose part of their power when they are made conscious.”She further warns of the inflation resulting from possession by them and points out that the animus “loves to create an atmosphere of mist in which nobody can find orientation.” These are supra-personal elements of psychic life capable of breaking beyond the tendency of consciousness to become one-sided. This second section of Volume 8 provides an insightful explanation of a woman’s encounter with her animus and a man’s encounter with his anima.

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Interpretation of Fairytales

Chapter 1. Some Theories of Fairytales

Chapter 2. Fairytales, Myths and other Archetypal Stories

Chapter 3. A Method of Psychological Interpretation

Chapter 4. A Tale Interpreted: “The Three Feathers”

Chapter 5. “The Three Feathers” Continued

Chapter 6. “The Three Feathers” Completed

Chapter 7. A Man’s Shadow

Chapter 8. The Challenge of the Anima

Chapter 9. The Woman, The Shadow, and the Animus in Fairytales

Part 2: Animus and Anima in Fairytales

Chapter 10. A Fairytale from Northern Germany: Oll Rinkrank

Chapter 11. A Turkestan Fairytale: The Magic Horse

Chapter 12. A Norwegian Fairytale: Kari, the Girl with the Wooden Frock

Chapter 13. An African Fairytale: The Magician of the Plain

Chapter 14. Anima Stories

Chapter 15. A European Fairytale: The Black Princess

Chapter 16. A Russian Fairytale: The Virgin Czarina



Index of Fairytales

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