Fall 2022 Quadrant available online and in print

Kathryn Madden Editor-in-Chief, of Quadrant this week announced the print and online publication of Vol 51: Nos.1&2. The first Quadrant: The Journal of the CG Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology in New York, was published in Spring of 1968 and contained two articles and a book review. Edward Edinger’s article An Outline of Analytical Psychology […]

Archetype in Focus: A Monthly ARAS Feature – Pyramid

Few monuments evoke as much of a sense of power and awe as pyramids. While these structures can be found in locations as far-flung as China, Mesopotamia, and Central America, it is the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt that have commanded the most attention. Usually dated to the third millenium B.C., they are the only […]

New issue of ARAS Connections: Image and Archetype

We are excited to send you the third issue of ARAS Connections for 2022. This edition is a celebration of creative women within the Jungian tradition. It features a beautiful video of artist Mary Conover in conversation with  Nancy Furlotti, an exploration of Ancient Egypts’s sacred deities in a piece by Jacqueline Thurston and the […]

Archetype in Focus: A Monthly ARAS Feature

Since hair grows on the face of a young man at puberty just as he becomes capable biologically of siring a family and capable psychologically of taking social responsibility, the beard is a mark of masculine adulthood. Hence the male heads of pantheons are usually bearded. Indra, a thundering sky god like Thor and leader […]

Archetype in Focus: A Monthly ARAS Feature

Pigs have been symbols of both divine fruitfulness and immortality and of slovenliness, gluttony and lust. They have also often been mistaken as stupid or ignorant, which the pig personifies, for example, in the Chinese zodiac and in some Buddhist iconography. Yet the pig is actually highly intelligent and instinctually cunning in the service of […]

Jane Wheelwright on Old Age

Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences | September 2022 Essay Jane Wheelwright started her first journal when she was 8 years old, and maintained this habit throughout her life. She began her last journal in 1986, when she was 81 and wrote in it for 14 years, until she became blind in 1995 and could […]

Jung’s Final weeks from Jung – a biography| by Gerhard Wehr

Under the Sign of Wholeness: The End C.G. Jung’s end lay immediately ahead-only a few weeks and days of further declining strength. For some months he knew and even occasionally said that he “had his marching orders,” as he put it. One more time he had himself taken out for a drive in his own […]

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