Awakening Archetypal Awareness – Panel Discussion

Various Speakers
Independent study


This is the panel discussion at the end of the conference Awakening Archetypal Awareness in Dreams and Daily Life. Sherry Salman, who was the featured speaker at the conference, due to illness could not attend in person. She prerecorded her talk and did not participate in this panel discussion.

The conference includes the following lectures:


  1. Sharing Essentials: Archetypes and Intersubjective Space – Sherry Salman, PhD
  2. Lessons from the Consulting Room: Thirdness – Archetype of Intimacy – August Cwik, PsyD
  3. The Body: Our Container for the Archetypal Experience – Jane Kelley, LCSW
  4. Clobbered by an Archetype: How the Good Shepherd Knocked Me Over and Carried Me Home – Stephen Martz, DMin
  5. Panel Discussion with August Cwik, Jane Kelley, and Stephen Martz moderated by Barbara Friedman, PhD
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