Dream School – A Road to Wholeness through Jungian Dream Analysis

Deborah C. Stewart, Lisa Marchiano, Joseph R. Lee
Independent study


Dream School is a unique course program that offers access to your inner world of knowing, possibility and freedom.

Presented by three experienced Jungian analysts, the year-long program provides the space, knowledge, and guidance you need to reach within and unlock the secrets of the inner self that appears each night — and that will bring new spirit to the day.

Dream School is an affirming community of fellow travelers, each on an individual inner adventure. And it’s fun!

Join us in an adventure to wholeness through understanding your dreams, the “little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul.”

Every night your dreams waft you into an alternative universe where anything can—and does—happen. A childhood home is carpeted with grass, a toilet is made of jade, and a drum major’s baton becomes a sword.Dreams open us to the depths of psychic life and infuse our souls with connection to meaning and the transcendent.

Dreams speak a language of image, symbol and feeling, and they ask you to understand, to embrace, and to follow their calling. They invite you to a life of mystery, possibility, and vitality.

Dream School will help you to

~ Decode your dreams

~  Integrate the wisdom of your dreams into waking life

~  Experience the space between worlds.

~  Understand how dreams show you what is out of balance, give you access to guiding spiritual realities, and offer paths for healing.

~   Provide an abiding ability to connect to your inner life and feel companioned.

No previous experience is necessary.

Your Jungian guides will provide resources, and fellow travelers will support you.

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