Ecosophy: An Ethico-Aesthetic Paradigm

David Walczyk,
Start Date: 14/04/2022
Scheduled course


“Individuals must become both more united and increasingly different.”– Felix Guattari

“Resistance to the organized mass can be effected only by the man who is as well organized in his individuality as the mass itself.”– Carl Jung

In this course participants will be introduced to the ethico-aesthetic paradigm called Ecosophy, developed by French psychoanalyst Felix Guattari (1930-1992). Specific attention will be given to his text The Three Ecologies and its critique of capitalism’s effects on our personal and collective mental ecology (subjectivity), social ecology, and environmental ecology. We will connect The Three Ecologies and the psychological tools it provides directly to psychological wellness and clinical practice.

After unpacking and applying the Three Ecologies we will bring in Jung to help us answer the question, did Guattari overlook a fourth ecology? The ecology of spirit. Or might the ecology of spirit already permeate the three ecologies identified by Guattari?

Get ready for a ride into the funhouse of radical psychoanalytic and spiritual critique of capitalism and its intent to form and subjugate your individual and our collective mental, social, and environmental ecologies to its needs and desires. Leave the course with tools for individuating in our time of what Guattari called Integrated World Capitalism (IWC). Leave with new tools for tough times.

Learning Objectives
On completion of this class, you will be able to:

  1. Recall and explain Ecosophy
  2. Demonstrate a pragmatic understanding of Mental Ecology (subjectivity)
  3. Demonstrate a pragmatic understanding of Social Ecology
  4. Demonstrate a pragmatic understanding of Environmental Ecology
  5. Summarize the interdependence of The Three Ecologies
  6. Apply Ecosophy to personal development
  7. Apply Ecosophy to clinical practice
  8. Utilize new psychological tools for our tough times
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