Encounters with the Shadow: Introduction to Jungian Shadow Work

James Hollis
Independent study


Led by master teacher, James Hollis, this course is suitable for both a beginner- and experienced level of understanding of Shadow work. The course is ideal if you want to learn more about the concept of the Shadow and how it is relevant in our daily lives. It also offers guidance and tools to become more conscious of Shadow aspects within ourselves, groups and other individuals.

One of the richest of Carl Jung’s contributions to our understanding of the human psyche, is the idea of the Shadow. Those parts of our own being which are threatening to our ego, and which so often act independently of our wills. They are the parts of ourselves or our groups which we prefer not to face, but which continue to spill into our lives nonetheless. The Shadow embodies those parts of ourselves over which we, and others, keep stumbling.

The Shadow is not evil, as such. Though it may bring great harm to self and others, even as it may also bring great healing energies to bear.  Shadow work is not only an invitation to further the integration of our split off components, but to improve our contributions to our families and our society.

  • You are interested in transformative psychological growth, regardless of whether you are new to or experienced with Carl Jung’s approach to psychology.
  • You are looking for grounded and practical tools to work more consciously with your own Shadow aspects.
  • You are interested in understanding the various layers and aspects of the Shadow within yourself, in groups and other individuals (whether in our private or our public lives)
  • You are a therapist interested in understanding a Jungian approach to the Shadow and Shadow work.
  • Have a greater understanding of Carl Jung’s concepts and theories related to the Shadow Self.
  • Better understand how the Shadow partly functions outside of our awareness.
  • Understand how the Shadow can be destructive; but also constructive and healing
  • Have gained practical perspectives and tools to work with your own Shadow aspects
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