JUNG AND ART: An Open Studio Experience, a course with Sandy Geller

Sandy Geller
Start Date: 13/01/2022
End Date:27/01/2022
Scheduled course


The Open Studio was introduced to the Jung Society in August of 2021 by Sandy Geller, one of our local Jungian Analysts. We’re bringing the open studio back by popular demand. It is a course for all levels of skill with art.

In preparation, imagine materials you could use to make art. If you already have favorites, begin to gather them. For example, different sorts of paper, oil pastels, acrylics, perhaps clay (air drying Model Magic), found objects, tissue paper collage. Glue, water, paints, brushes for things you’ve wanted to try, but haven’t had the time. Find a nook at home to stash your art supplies so that you can get to them easily and have them at the ready whenever you like.

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