Jung and the Mythology of STAR WARS

Steve Ellerhoff
Start Date: 02/01/2025
End Date:28/01/2025
Scheduled course


What makes Star Wars a living mythology?

Many plainly recognize it as such, but this course will help us qualify that appraisal. Leapfrogging past Joseph Campbell’s well-documented influence on the saga, we turn to Jung—who gave Campbell his best hunches—to measure its viability as a mythology in direct relationship to psyche.

This seminar series will explore subjects in Steve’s forthcoming book, Jung and the Mythology of Star Wars. Together we will become better acquainted with some of Jung’s key concepts while exploring the mythic energy at the heart of the Star Wars saga.

We will delve into why it makes sense to see Star Wars through Jungian perspectives and compare, for example, the mythical Force to specific Jungian concepts: the unconscious, the godhead, the numinosum, the unus mundus, libido, and mana/mana personalities.

Come take a ride in the field of mythic storytelling, its boundaries reach far, far beyond our galaxy.


Session One: Exploring the Force in Jungian Terms

Session Two: Yoda: An Archetypal Amplification

Session Three: Luke Skywalker and Jung’s Transcendent Function

Session Four: Leia: Archetypal Anti-princess, Hutt-slayer, Mother

Session Five: Star Wars as Living Mythology

Live Seminar • THURSDAYS January 2, 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2025 – 7-9pm Pacific

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