Preparing for Death as the Capstone for Individuation

Seth Isaiah Rubin
Independent study


We are very pleased to be able to bring you this vivid webinar from the wonderful folks at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. A capstone is the top stone of a structure or wall, or the crowning achievement or final stroke. The final dream C.G. Jung communicated to his companions, three days before his death featured a capstone: A great round stone was engraved with the words, “and this shall be a sign unto you of wholeness and oneness.” The stone was an important symbol for Jung because it represented the ultimate goal of the alchemists, the lapis, a symbol of the Self. For Jung the capstone signaled his life’s work had reached its culmination.

Together we will examine carefully what it means to prepare for death, using one particular approach to individuation as a framework for our time together. By exploring preparations for death in terms of sensation, feeling, thinking and intuition, the four psychological functions according to Jung, we will move toward realizing wholeness and away from one-sidedness.

Life and death are two sides of the same coin so that understanding its place in the life cycle and preparing for death is an integral part of living life fully and becoming whole, which is the core of the individuation process. The goal of this program is to think creatively and together about the place of death in life and how we might anticipate meeting it.

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