Power in the world is largely concentrated in organizations. To have meaningful impact and partake in large-scale transformation, we must find a way to speak to this power.
This course shows how an archetypal mindset combined with a powerful model can offer practitioners in the human development world just that.
As we collectively squeeze through a bottleneck in history, human beings need a language to make meaning of the increasing disasters surrounding us. When we dive beneath the literal and decode the universal language of archetypes, we can begin to understand what Nietzsche meant with “we can take any what if we know why.”
In this course Laurence Hillman will explore how particularly archetypal astrology is excellently suited to map personal and globally appearing archetypes. Applying this ancient tool, we gain a meaningful and universal understanding of why things occur as they do and begin to make sense of the zeitgeist and how we personally embody it.
In this course we learn that a universal language and a polypoetic approach may not only become useful but essential.
Course Overview:
Class 1: From Singular Self to Inner Multiplicity
We travel from Freud and Jung to James Hillman’s Archetypal Psychology and arrive at the polypoetic mind. We ask the question: what is an archetypal eye and how do you develop it?
Class 2: Charting the Polypoetic Psyche
How do we map our inner multiplicity? We discuss several options and focus on archetypal astrology as a useful tool to chart our inner multiplicity.
Class 3: Signs of the Times
We learn how archetypal astrology is a useful language to make sense of these seemingly senseless times. From the Aquarian Age to the US-Pluto return we explore how we can take any what if we know why.
Class 4: Re-ensouling the Workplace
Now moving into the workplace, we explore the Archetypes at Work™ model, a cutting-edge model to assess and develop people, in leadership and elsewhere. Based on the foundation built in the previous three weeks, we end with a practical model to bring archetypal thinking into the working world.