Rilke: Poetry and Alchemy

Daniel Polikoff
Independent study


The Asheville Jung Center is delighted to bring you another marvelous production from the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. A rich treasure lies buried in Rainer Maria Rilke’s remarkable poetic opus, and this workshop aims to help participants (re)discover and begin to mine that treasure. In particular, we’ll attempt to deepen our understanding of crucial alchemical-psychological processes by way of close encounter with the poetic enactments of those processes inscribed in Rilke’s oeuvre.

Highlighting salient features of the poet’s biography (including his crucial relationship to the emerging field of psychology), we will endeavor to develop a picture of the overall shape of Rilke’s life, both in its inner lineaments as well as its outward form. Positing a correlation between the four  major works of Rilke’s maturity (New Poems, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, Duino Elegies, Sonnets to Orpheus), and the four basic alchemical processes often associated with the four elements (earth/coagulation; water/solution; air/sublimation; fire/calcination), we’ll look closely at select passages of the major works in conjunction with discussion of the related alchemical processes. The poetry will illuminate understanding of the relevant alchemy and vice versa as we entertain questions pertaining to the intimate relationship binding poetic language and psychology, the dynamic interaction of soul and spirit, and—finally—the nature and destiny of the soul and its (re)making in light of what Rilke calls “the task of transformation.”

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