Techniques For Accessing The Unconscious With Ann McCoy

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Ann McCoy
Start Date: 26/06/2022
End Date:31/07/2022
Scheduled course


8pm UTC+1 (sessions approx 1hr – 1.5hr)

A six week, working seminar course for creatives led by award-winning New York artist Ann McCoy. The course will utilise various techniques for accessing the unconscious through drawing, different art mediums, journals, meditations, and readings.

The Idea for this course came from artist seminars led by Joseph Beuys, where the participants discussed new ways of thinking about art, while making  studio work. McCoy knew Beuys in Germany in the 70’s.  For Beuys the sacramental was in everything and an integral part of the artistic process.  Marie Louise von Franz said the  last time the imagination had been approached as an actual  place where the inner imaginal happenings led to changes in the outer world was in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. This seminar will explore exercises used by Surrealists like Lenora Carrington and Max Ernst, techniques used by members of the spiritual branch of Russian Cosmism, as well as Jungian Active Imagination.

This course will take a seminar/ studio format. It will include drawing and diary work, sharing art work and discussions of readings. The class will be taught from a Jungian perspective, but use a variety of texts. All reading material will be provided on scans by Ann as much of it is now out of print or hard to get hold of. Students will begin with large sketch pad, drawing materials, inks and watercolour.

The class will run for six weeks and sessions will be recorded. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with Ann who has been working deep in the fields of Jungian psychology and alchemy in her art practice for 40 years. Alongside the course, individual work critiques and sessions will be made available to book with Ann for an additional fee.

Course administered by Chantal Powell

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