We understand that race is a social construct and not biological. We see that the invention of whiteness in the US has created a
disturbance in the US American collective psyche. Talking honestly about race continues to be awkward, uncomfortable
and taboo.
As clinicians we are uniquely poised to influence our client’s awareness of their self images, object relations, and internal
structures. This seminar asks us to explore and consider the added layer of the racial complex and how it influences this awareness and impacts mental health.
This six session seminar is designed to call clinicians in to become aware of and work with their racial cultural complex. We
will be utilizing the self of the therapist as we explore the conceptual material in order to ground it in direct experience.The
racial cultural complex is a concept developed by Jungian analyst Dr. Fanny Brewster whose work in this area will guide us
as we uncover its effects in our lives, our training and our practice.
Each session will build on the previous, developing knowledge and direct, personal and professional experience of the racial
cultural complex. Participants will learn how this particular complex functions within the scope of their own theoretical
orientations, and experience how we can become liberated in moments from its limitations.
This course will include didactic presentation with an emphasis on personal exploration of these issues, using journaling, inquiry,
and group discussion in the context of participants’ theoretical orientation and work with patients.
All participants will closely follow one of their own cases throughout the seminar through the lens of the racial cultural
complex. One participant will share their case for group consultation at the fifth session.