Ways of Becoming Yourself

Jean Shinoda Bolen, Michael Meade and Tina Stromsted
Scheduled course


Central to Jung’s theory is the concept of individuation, the process of psychological growth. In this collection, three world-renowned speakers talk about ways to become who you truly are.

  • You want to recognize the presence of gods and goddesses play an active role in your life
  • You want to learn about the genius in your live and its role in your individuation process
  • You like to become more aware of your body and how you can follow the impulses of the body to lead you in your own, unique journey
Class 1. The Goddesses and Gods in Every One of Us by Jean Shinoda Bolen


Class 2. Engaging with Your Genius by Michael Meade


Class 3. Embodiment, Movement and Consciousness by Tina Stromsted
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